General Guideline Principles for Medication
for workers compensation patients
The New York State workers compensation board has developed these guidelines to help physicians, podiatrists, and other healthcare professionals provide appropriate treatment for Medication.
These Workers Compensation Board guidelines are intended to assist healthcare professionals in making decisions regarding the appropriate level of care for their patients with ankle and foot disorders.
The guidelines are not a substitute for clinical judgement or professional experience. The ultimate decision regarding care must be made by the patient in consultation with his or her healthcare provider.
Naproxen, Ibuprofen, or other NSAIDs from an earlier generation are suggested as first-line treatments for most patients.
For individuals who are not applicants for NSAIDs, acetaminophen (or the analog paracetamol) may be a viable option, even if most of the research indicates it is just marginally less effective than NSAIDs. There is proof that NSAIDs are less dangerous and just as effective in treating pain as opioids, such as tramadol.
- Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) for Treatment of Acute, Subacute, or Chronic Neck Pain
Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) for Treatment of Acute, Subacute, or Chronic Neck Pain are recommended for the treatment of sudden, gradual, or persistent neck discomfort
Indications: NSAIDs are advised as a therapy for neck discomfort that is either acute, subacute, or chronic. First, try over the counter (OTC) medications to see whether they work.
Frequency/Duration: For many patients, usage only, when necessary, may be appropriate.
Indications for Discontinuation: Symptoms go away, the medication is ineffective, or negative side effects arise that require stopping the medication. - NSAIDs for Patients at High Risk of Gastrointestinal Bleeding
NSAIDs for Patients at High Risk of Gastrointestinal Bleeding is recommended proton pump, sucralfate, histamine Type 2 receptor blockers, misoprostol, and inhibitors for individuals at high risk of gastrointestinal bleeding when used together with cytoprotective medication groups.
Indications: Cytoprotective drugs should be taken into consideration for patients with a great danger factor outline who also have indications for NSAIDs, especially if a prolonged course of therapy is planned. Patients who have a history of gastrointestinal bleeding in the past, the elderly, diabetics, and smokers are at risk.
Frequency/Dose/Duration: H2 blockers, misoprostol, sucralfate, and proton pump inhibitors are advised. dosage recommendations from the manufacturer. It is generally accepted that there are no significant differences in effectiveness for preventing gastrointestinal bleeding.
Indications for Discontinuation: Intolerance, the emergence of negative effects, or the stopping of NSAID use.
- NSAIDs for Patients at Risk for Cardiovascular Adverse Effects
NSAIDs for Patients at Risk for Cardiovascular Adverse Effects is recommended When it comes to cardiovascular side effects, acetaminophen or synthetic compound as first-line medication seems to be the safest option. If necessary, non-selective NSAIDs are recommended over COX-2-specific medications.
To reduce the chance that an NSAID will negate the protective benefits of low-dose aspirin in individuals receiving it for primary or secondary cardiovascular disease prevention, the NSAID shall be taken a maximum of half an hour after or 8 hours earlier than the daily aspirin.
- Acetaminophen for Treatment of Neck Pain
Acetaminophen for Treatment of Neck Pain is recommended to relieve neck discomfort, especially in individuals who have NSAID contraindications
Indications: All neck pain sufferers, including those with acute, subacute, chronic, and postoperative pain.Dose/Frequency: As per the manufacturer’s guidelines; can be used as required. Over four gm/day, there is evidence of liver toxicity.
Indications for Discontinuation: the disappearance of discomfort, side effects, or intolerance. - Topical Medications are recommended In certain people, ointments, lidocaine patches, and topical creams may be used to relieve the pain brought on by acute, subacute, or chronic neck discomfort.
The rationale for Recommendation: In certain people, TOPICAL DRUGS (such as topical lidocaine, capsaicin, topical NSAIDs, and topical salicylates and no salicylates) may be an appropriate type of therapy.
To get the desired effect and prevent potential toxicity, a topical medication should be given with precise dosage instructions and a daily use limit. Since the long-term consequences of usage are uncertain for most patients, episodic use may be preferable.
Patients whom l e prefer topical therapy to oral drugs may utilize these substances. Depending on the medicinal agent employed, localized cutaneous responses may happen. The possibility of hazardous blood levels from topical treatment should be considered by prescribers.
Capsaicin offers a secure and efficient substitute for systemic NSAIDs, albeit local sharp tingling or burning sensation that usually goes away with repeated usage limits its use.
To prevent accidental contact with eyes and mucous membranes, patients should be instructed to apply the cream using gloves made of plastic or an applicator of cotton o the afflicted region. Capsaicin usage for an extendeperiodme is not advised
Topical Lidocaine is only suggested when the identification of neuropathic pain has been made in writing. In this case, a trial lasting no more than four weeks may be taken into consideration; further usage will require proof of functional improvements.
Topical NSAIDs used topically, such as diclofenac gel, may area potentially therapeutic tissuconcentrationsic. When systemic administration is generally forbidden, the low amount of systemic absorption might be favorable overall by enabling the topical use of these drugs (like renal insufficiency, cardiac failure, peptic ulcer disease, or ate to with hypertension.
Topical Salicylates or No salicylates Overall, topical NSAIDs tend to be more efficacious than topical salt or ester of salicylic acid or no salicylates (such as ethyl salicylate). Especially in individuals with chronic illnesses where systemic medicine is often contraindicated, it may be utilized for a brief course of treatment. It may also be used as an initial treatment for cancer.
- Opioids of Medication
Opioids of Medication is not recommended for neck discomfort that is sudden, gradual, or ongoing for a brief (no more than seven days) used as an adjuvant therapy to more potent therapies for postoperative pain control.
Indications: A brief prescription of opioids is frequently needed for postoperative pain control, especially at night, as an addition to more effective medications (notably NSAIDs, and acetaminophen.
Frequency/Duration: As needed during the day, solely at night thereafter, and finally totally discontinued.
The rationale for Recommendation: When NSAIDs are ineffective in relieving a patient’s pain, opioids should be used sparingly, especially at night. Opioids are advised for brief, selective usage in postoperative patients, with nighttime use being the main recommendation for achieving postoperative sleep.
- Anti-Depressants
- Tricyclic anti-depressants (TCAs)
Tricyclic anti-depressants (TCAs) is recommended for chronic neck discomfort that is not well managed by NSAIDs and exercise. Where there is late midnight sleep disturbance and moderate dysthymia, this intervention may be beneficial.
Frequency and Duration: amitriptyline is often recommended at a very low dose at bedtime and progressively raised (e.g., twenty-five mg at bedtime, increase by twenty-five mg each week) until a less than maximal or maximum dose is obtained, adequate effects are achieved, or undesirable effects occur.
Since there is no proof that larger dosages of amitriptyline result in greater pain relief, most doctors choose lower doses (e.g., 25–75 mg/day) to prevent side effects and the need for blood level monitoring. depression level is sedating; therefore, it could be a better choice if there is carryover daytime drowsiness.
Discontinuation: a reduction in the discomfort, tolerance, or emergence of negative consequences.
There is very weak evidence that tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) are somewhat more effective than a placebo at reducing pain scores when used to treat radicular pain.
- Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (e.g., paroxetine, as well as bupropion and trazodone)
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (e.g., paroxetine, as well as bupropion and trazodone) are not recommended for the management of chronic neck discomfort. (However, as previously mentioned, they could be advised for the treatment of depression.)
Note: It is not advised to use these drugs to treat non-acute neck pain in the absence of depression as there is significant evidence that doing so is not beneficial.
The effectiveness of antidepressants in the analysis of acute neck discomfort is not backed by high-quality research. This technique is not advised for the therapy of acute neck discomfort if there are no other signs that the patient requires such care.
- Tricyclic anti-depressants (TCAs)
- Anti-Seizure Drugs of Medication
- Topiramate
Topiramate is recommended several other treatment options, including trials of various NSAIDs, aerobic activity, targeted pull out/sprawl exercise, buttress/toughen exercise, tricyclic antidepressants, disbands tracdistractionsanipulation, have failed in a small number of individuals with non-acute neck pain.
Frequency/Dose: The dosage of this drug is progressively increased to start. Patients should be closely watched for the emergence of unfavorable events.
Discontinuation: the reversal or emergence of negative consequences. Due in part to increased risks for sedating deleterious effects on the central nervous system (CNS), careful monitoring of patients who are working is advised.
Topiramate is not recommended for peripheral neuropathy and neuropathic pain.
- Carbamazepine
Carbamazepine is recommended for the perioperative treatment of pain to lessen the requirement for opioids, especially in individuals who have opioid adverse effects. In certain individuals with spinal stenosis-related severe neurogenic claudication or persistent relating to the painful opinions, emotions, or behavior with short-distance walking.
Carbamazepine is not recommended, axial or non neuropathic pain is not advised.
Discontinuation: either tolerance or resolution. The heightened risks of CNS-sedating side effects call for careful monitoring of patients who are working.
- Gabapentin and Pregabalin
Gabapentin and Pregabalin are recommended for perioperative management of pain to reduce need for opioids, particularly in those with side effects from opioids.
Gabapentin and Pregabalin are recommended in select patients for the treatment of severe neurogenic claudication from spinal stenosis or chronic radicular pain syndromes with limited walking distance.
Gabapentin and Pregabalin are not recommended for axial or nonneuropathic pain.
Discontinuation: Resolution or intolerance. Careful monitoring of employed patients is indicated due in part to elevated risks for CNS-sedating adverse effects.
- Topiramate
- Compound Medications
Compound Medications are not recommended chemical drugs for topical, oral, and/or systemic use.
- Skeletal Muscle Relaxants
- Skeletal Muscle Relaxants
Skeletal Muscle Relaxants is recommended For certain situations of moderate to dangerous pain l the neck discomfort, muscle relaxants (except carisoprodol) are advised as a send-line therapy.
Note- These medications are often not advised because alternative treatments, continuing walking, and other activities may usually control the symptoms just as well.
In general, it is advised that these medications be started at night and not during the working day or when patients intend to drive. Skeletal muscle relaxants should be prescribed with caution to those who have a history related to depression, personality disorders, drug addiction, and/or misuse, including alcohol or cigarette use.
Cyclobenzaprine should be tested as a muscle relaxant if one is deemed required for individuals with such issues since it has a chemical structure with tricyclic antidepressants and because it seldom leads to addiction or misuse.
Frequency/Duration: This first dose needs to be taken in the evening. When the CNS-sedating effects are limited and there is little fear that the sedation would compromise function or safety, daytime usage is appropriate.
No proof taking more medicine would help (e.g., cyclobenzaprine ten mg over five mg). If severe daytime somnolence develops, the drug may need to be stopped, especially if it interferes with the ability to undertake aerobic boitbrightnessrcise and other rehabilitation plan components.
It is not advised to take the first dose before beginning a shift at work or before operating a car or other piece of equipment.
Discontinuation: the pain is gone, there is no tolerance, there are considerable sedative effects that last throughout the day or there are other negative consequences.
Discontinuations are recommended as second or third-line treatments for post-operative pain that is assumed to be musculoskeletal in origin or moderate to severe radicular pain syndromes. There may be other treatments that are more effective at reducing radicular discomfort.
- Skeletal Muscle Relaxants
Skeletal Muscle Relaxants is recommended as second- or third-line treatments for post-operative pain that is assumed to be musculoskeletal in origin or moderate to severe radicular pain syndromes. There may be other treatments that are more effective at reducing radicular pain.
Frequency/Duration: typically, one week, but no longer more than 14 days, or if used only night then can use more than two weeks.
Discontinuation: the pain is gone, there is no tolerance, there are considerable sedative effects that last throughout the day or there are other negative consequences.
Skeletal Muscle Relaxants is not recommended for prolonged usage in subacute or non-acute neck pain or for lenient to average acute neck pain owing to issues with side effects (other than acute exacerbations).
- Skeletal Muscle Relaxants
- Systemic Glucocorticosteroids (aka “Steroids”)
Systemic Glucocorticosteroids (aka “Steroids”) is recommended in a small number of individuals for the treatment of acute severe radicular pain syndromes to reduce discomfort temporarily.
Systemic Glucocorticosteroids (aka “Steroids”) is recommended in a small number of individuals for the treatment of acute severe radicular pain syndromes to reduce discomfort temporarily.
Frequency/Duration: For a specific episode of radicular pain, a single course (five days to two weeks) of oral medicine (i.e., a tapering dosage of methylprednisolone) should be provided. Epidural steroid vaccinations are preferred if further therapy is required because they more effectively deliver the drug to the injured tissue.
Systemic Glucocorticosteroids (aka “Steroids”) is not recommended for axial pain. For neck discomfort that is non-radicular, acute, or chronic, or for mild to severe radiculopathy.
Intravenous Steroids
Intravenous Steroids is recommended Only hospitalized patients who are during a severe neurological emergency should be included.Experts on the spinal cord should be consulted to decide the dosage and period of intravenous steroids. In an emergency circumstance, the danger of pharmacologic bad consequences of steroids typically outweighs the risk of long-term neurological impairment from acute spinal cord compression.
What our office can do if you have workers compensation injury
We have the experience to help you with their workers compensation injuries. We understand what you are going through and will meet your medical needs and follow the guidelines set by the New York State Workers Compensation Board.
We understand the importance of your workers compensation cases. Let us help you navigate through the maze of dealing with the workers compensation insurance company and your employer.
We understand that this is a stressful time for you and your family. If you would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us so we will do everything we can to make it as easy on you as possible.

Dr. Nakul Karkare
I am fellowship trained in joint replacement surgery, metabolic bone disorders, sports medicine and trauma. I specialize in total hip and knee replacements, and I have personally written most of the content on this page.
You can see my full CV at my profile page.