General Guideline Principles for Laboratory Tests for
Peripheral Neuropathic Pain for workers compensation patients
The New York State workers compensation board has developed these guidelines to help physicians, podiatrists, and other healthcare professionals provide appropriate treatment for Laboratory Tests for Peripheral Neuropathic Pain.
These Workers Compensation Board guidelines are intended to assist healthcare professionals in making decisions regarding the appropriate level of care for their patients with ankle and foot disorders.
The guidelines are not a substitute for clinical judgement or professional experience. The ultimate decision regarding care must be made by the patient in consultation with his or her healthcare provider.
Laboratory Tests for Peripheral Neuropathic Pain
Laboratory Tests for Peripheral Neuropathic Pain is recommended to determine whether psychological issues would need to be considered and treated as part of an overall treatment protocol and to identify psychosocial obstacles that are causing impairment and impeding function as part of the diagnosis and care of patients with severe pain.
It is advised to utilize this test as a screening tool to look for specific conditions (such as alcoholism or diabetes mellitus) that may contribute to or cause peripheral neuropathic pain.
Patients with regional neuropathies who have not had diagnostic testing are indications. Fasting glucose, hemoglobin A1c, and/or a 2-hour glucose tolerance test should typically be part of diagnostic testing. The cutoff point for testing for alcohol indications should be relatively low (i.e., CBC with Mean Cell Volume, GGTP, AST, and ALT). Even if additional diagnostic testing reveals another, testing is still advised.
Frequency/Dose/Duration: one assessment When symptoms alter or there is a major change in exposure (like a big increase in weight), a second assessment may be necessary.
What our office can do if you have workers compensation injuries
We have the experience to help you with their workers compensation injuries. We understand what you are going through and will meet your medical needs and follow the guidelines set by the New York State Workers Compensation Board.
We understand the importance of your workers compensation cases. Let us help you navigate through the maze of dealing with the workers compensation insurance company and your employer.
We understand that this is a stressful time for you and your family. If you would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us so we will do everything we can to make it as easy on you as possible.

Dr. Nakul Karkare
I am fellowship trained in joint replacement surgery, metabolic bone disorders, sports medicine and trauma. I specialize in total hip and knee replacements, and I have personally written most of the content on this page.
You can see my full CV at my profile page.