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- Case Studies
- Case Study: Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion Surgery for Hand and arm weakness in a 80 year old male
- Case Study: Surgical management of a 78 year old with Odontoid Fracture Myelopathy
- Hip
- Case Study: Bilateral hip replacement in 66 year old female
- Case Study: Bilateral Hip Replacement in a 65-year-old Female
- Case Study: Bilateral Total Hip Replacement – 65 yr. old female
- Case Study: Bilateral Total Hip Replacement in a 46-year-old female with Bilateral Avascular Necrosis (AVN) of the Hip
- Case Study: Bilateral Total Hip Replacement in a 74-year-old Female
- Case Study: Complex Hip replacement – Implant removal with total hip replacement
- Case Study: Complex hip replacement – Hip replacement with prior hardware in position in a 71 year old female
- Case Study: Complex hip replacement for Hip Dysplasia – Femoral shortening osteotomy with hip replacement in a 49 year old male
- Case Study: Hip dislocation treatment – Acetabular component exchange in total hip replacement
- Case Study: Left Hip Core Decompression with Stem Cell Injection in a 45-year-old male with Avascular Necrosis (AVN) of the Hip
- Case Study: Left Hip Total Replacement in a 54-year-old female with Hip Arthritis
- Case Study: Left Total Hip Replacement in a 50-year-old female with Avascular Necrosis of the Left Hip
- Case Study: Left Total Hip Replacement in a 55-year-old male with Avascular Necrosis (AVN) of the Left Hip
- Case Study: Left Total Hip Replacement in a 74-year-old Male
- Case Study: Left Total Hip Replacement in an 82-year-old male
- Case Study: Management of Avascular Necrosis of the Left Hip in a 40-year-old Male
- Case Study: Management of Avascular Necrosis of the Left Hip with Total Hip Replacement in a 25-year-old Male with Prior Core Decompression Surgery
- Case Study: Management of Bilateral Avascular Necrosis in a 58-year-old male with Bilateral Total Hip Replacement
- Case Study: Management of bilateral Hip Arthritis in a 66-year-old Male with Total Hip Replacement
- Case Study: Management of Bilateral Hip Avascular Necrosis (AVN) in a 56-year-old female with Lupus Nephritis
- Case Study: Management of Left Hip Avascular Necrosis with Total Hip Replacement in a 60-year-old male
- Case Study: Management of Left Hip Periprosthetic Fracture with a loose Femoral Stem
- Case Study: Management of Right Hip Arthritis with Robotic Total Hip Replacement
- Case Study: Revision Hip replacement for a Fractured Hip Implant – Isolated Revision of the Stem
- Case Study: Revision Total Hip Replacement in a 64year old. Isolated acetabular component exchange
- Case Study: Right Hip Coxa Plana Management in a 56-year-old male by Total Hip Replacement
- Case Study: Right Total Hip Arthroplasty – 74 year old male
- Case Study: Right Total Hip Replacement and Left Hip Core Decompression in a 38-year-old male with Avascular Necrosis (AVN) of both the Hip Joints
- Case Study: Right Total Hip Replacement in a 75-year-old female
- Case Study: Robotic Bilateral Total Hip Replacement in a 65-year-old female with Arthritis
- Case Study: Robotic Left Hip Total Replacement for Arthritis secondary to Avascular Necrosis of the Hip
- Case Study: Robotic Left Hip Total Replacement in sequel of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
- Case Study: Robotic Left Total Hip Replacement in a 71-year-old Female
- Case Study: Robotic Right Hip Total Replacement in a 75-year-old male
- Case Study: Robotic Total Hip Replacement in a 48-year-old male with sequel of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
- Case Study: Staged Revision of Infected Left Total Hip Replacement in an 80-year-old female
- Case Study: Total Hip Replacement in a 52-year-old male with Avascular Necrosis (AVN) of the Left Hip with prior Hip Dislocation
- Case Study: Total Hip Replacement in a 65-year-old Male with Avascular Necrosis of the Left Hip
- Total Hip Arthroplasty
- Knee
- Case Study: Bilateral Custom Total Knee Replacement in a 61-year-old male with Knee Arthritis & Genu Valgum Deformity
- Case Study: Bilateral Custom Total Knee Replacement in a 72-year-old Male
- Case Study: Bilateral Customized Total Knee Replacement in a 72-year-old female
- Case Study: Bilateral Customized Total Knee Replacement in a 72-year-old patient with Arthritis
- Case Study: Computer navigated Primary Knee replacement
- Case Study: Custom Left Knee Replacement for Post-traumatic Arthritis in a 45-year-old Male
- Case Study: Custom Left Knee Replacement in a 40 year male
- Case Study: Custom Left Knee Replacement in a 59-year-old female
- Case Study: Custom Left Knee Replacement in a 71-year-old male
- Case Study: Custom Left Knee Total Replacement in a 68-year-old Female
- Case Study: Custom Left Total Knee Replacement in a 66-year-old male
- Case Study: Custom Right Total Knee Arthroplasty – 62-year-old male
- Case Study: Custom Right Total Knee Replacement in a 55-year-old Female with Prior ACL Reconstruction
- Case Study: Custom Total Knee Replacement in Left Knee Arthritis with prior Hardware on the Lateral Tibial Plateau
- Case Study: Custom Unilateral Knee Replacement in a 74-year-old Female
- Case Study: Customized Bilateral Knee Replacement in a 78-year-old male
- Case Study: Customized Left Knee Replacement in an 81-year-old patient
- Case Study: Customized Left Knee Total Replacement in a 66-year-old female
- Case Study: Customized Left Total Knee Replacement in a 73-year-old Male
- Case Study: Customized Right Knee Replacement in a 65-year-old female
- Case Study: Customized Right Knee Replacement in a 71-year-old patient
- Case Study: Customized Right Knee Replacement in a 72-year-old patient
- Case Study: Customized Right Total Knee Replacement in a 73-year-old Male with Arthritis
- Case Study: Customized Total Knee Replacement in a 58-year-old female with Arthritis
- Case Study: Customized Total Knee Replacement in a 59-year-old male
- Case Study: Left Custom Knee Replacement in a 67-year-old Female
- Case Study: Left Custom Knee Replacement in a 70-year-old female
- Case Study: Left Custom Total Knee Arthroplasty in a 68-year-old male
- Case Study: Left Custom Total Knee Replacement in a 74-year-old female
- Case study: Left Customized Knee Replacement in an 80-year-old male
- Case Study: Left Total Knee Arthroplasty – 66 year old male
- Case Study: Left Total Knee Replacement – 63 year old Female
- Case Study: Left Total Knee Replacement in a 62-year-old Male
- Case Study: Left Total Knee Replacement in a 68-year-old male
- Case Study: Primary Knee replacement with custom instrumentation in a 63 year old male
- Case Study: Revision Knee Replacement in a 63-year-old male with a prior Unicompartmental Knee Replacement and ACL repair
- Case Study: Revision Total Knee Replacement in a 68-year-old male with prior Unicondylar Knee Replacement
- Case Study: Right Custom Knee Replacement in a 59-year-old male
- Case Study: Right Custom Total Knee Replacement in a 68-year-old female
- Case Study: Right Knee Custom Arthroplasty in an 83-year-old male
- Case Study: Right Total Knee Arthroplasty – 51 year old male
- Case Study: Right Total Knee Replacement in a 72-year-old female with Arthritis
- Case Study: Right Total Knee Replacement with Custom Instruments in a 60-year-old female with Avascular Necrosis of the Knee
- Case Study: Right Total Knee Replacement with Custom Instruments in a 66-year-old male
- Case Study: Right Total Knee Replacement with Custom Instruments in a 67-year-old female
- Case Study: Simultaneous bilateral knee replacement in a 54 year old female
- Case Study: Simultaneous bilateral Unicondylar Knee replacement in 67 year old male
- Case Study: Surgical Management of Right Knee Patellofemoral Pain in a 37-year-old Male
- Case Study: Treatment of infected knee replacement. A staged reconstruction in a 64 year old male
- Corrective osteotomy for knee deformities
- High Tibial Osteotomy
- Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA)
- Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty in an 84-year-old female with Hip Arthritis
- Spine
- ALIF and OLIF: Spinal Fusion
- Case Study: Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion
- Case Study: Anterior discectomy and fusion C3-4, C4-5 and C5-6 and Insertion of interbody titanium cage globus; C3-4, C4-5 and C5-6
- Case Study: Anterolateral lumbar discectomy and arthrodesis via left flank retroperitoneal approach
- Case Study: Bilateral Laminoforaminotomies L2-3, bilateral foraminotomies, L3-4 right sided L5-S1 laminoforaminotomy
- Case Study: C4 to C6 Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Insertion of Intervertebral body biomechanical devices from C4 to C6
- Case Study: C4-5 and C5-6 Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion
- Case Study: C6, C7, T1 Laminectomy and C6-T1 Posterior Cervical and Thoracic Fusion
- Case Study: Cervical disc replacement C5-C6 and C6-C7
- Case Study: Cervical disc replacement in a 60-year-old female with cervical spine stenosis at C5-C6 and C6-C7 with radiculopathy and myelopathy
- Case Study: Cervical Trauma
- Case Study: Durotomy Repair
- Case Study: Exploration of Spinal Fusion, Explanation of Spinal hardware placement of new pedicle screws at L4, L5 and bilaterally at the sacrum
- Case Study: Exploration of Spinal Fusion, Explanation of Spinal Hardware, Segmental Spinal Instrumentation, Use of Stereotactic Image-guided Neuronavigational, Fluoroscopy with data interpretation and use of morselized allograft
- Case Study: Incision and Lumbar of wound lumbar spine
- Case Study: Kyphoplasty for Wedge Collapse of L1 Vertebrae in a 62-year-old Female
- Case Study: L1 kyphoplasty with bipedicular access
- Case Study: L2-S1 Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion
- Case Study: L3-4 Laminectomy
- Case Study: L3-S1 Laminectomy and Fusion
- Case Study: L4 and L5 Laminectomy with Neurolysis
- Case Study: L4 to S1 Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion
- Case Study: L4-5 Laminectomy and Discectomy
- Case Study: L4-L5 Bilateral Laminotomies
- Case Study: L4-S1 Posterior Instrumented Fusion with L5-S1 Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody fusion with Osteotomy
- Case Study: L4, L5 and S1 Laminectomy with Neurolysis
- Case Study: L5-S1 Laminotomy, Right L5-S1 Microdiscectomy
- Case Study: L5-S1 Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion with Interbody Arthrodesis
- Case Study: Laminectomy and decompression of L2-3 Revision decompression of L3-4
- Case Study: Laminoforaminotomy Microdiscectomy right L2-3
- Case Study: Left L4-5 Laminoforaminotomy, Microdiscectomy
- Case Study: Lumbar Trauma
- Case Study: Management of 50-year-old male with Cauda Equina Syndrome
- Case Study: Management Of 58-Year-Old Female With Burst Fracture Of T6 Vertebra
- Case Study: Management of 73-year-old Female with Cervical Spine Stenosis and Myelopathy
- Case Study: Management of a 57-year-old female with cervical canal stenosis, cervical compressive myelopathy, and brown sequard syndrome
- Case Study: Management Of A 58-Year-Old Male With Acute Monoparesis Of The Dominant Arm
- Case Study: Management Of Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES) in a 60-Year-Old Female With L2-L4 Critical Lumbar Stenosis And Acute Leg Weakness
- Case Study: Management of L5 Vertebral Pathological Fracture with Collapse and Lumbar Canal Stenosis L3-S1
- Case Study: Management of Lumbar Canal Stenosis in a 63-year-old Female
- Case Study: Management of Prolapsed Lumbar Intervertebral Disc with Microsdiscectomy and laminotomy
- Case Study: Microdiscectomy (Right) L4-L5 in a 58-year-old Female
- Case Study: Minimal Invasive (Tubular) L4-5 Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion
- Case Study: Minimal Invasive (Tubular) Right L5 Laminotomy with L5-S1 Microdiscectomy and S1 Nerve root neurolysis
- Case Study: Minimal Invasive TL fixation
- Case Study: Posterior Spinal Fusion L4-5 (Instrumented) with L3-5 decompression
- Case Study: Revision decompression of L4-L5
- Case Study: Revision L4-S1 Transforaminal Interbody Fusion (TLIF)
- Case Study: Revision Lumbar Spine Surgery In A Patient With Adjacent Segment Degeneration And Radiculopathy
- Case Study: Selective Nerve Block for Lumbar Radiculopathy in a 67-year-old Female
- Case Study: Selective Nerve Block in a 32-year-old Female with Lumbar Radiculopathy
- Case Study: Selective Nerve Root Block in a 70-year-old Female with Radiculopathy
- Case Study: Selective nerve root block transforaminal right S1
- Case Study: T6 to T11 Instrumented Fusion
- Case Study: Transforaminal Epidural Injection in a 60-year-old male with Sciatica
- Case Study: Transforaminal Interbody fusion with Pedicle screw fixation of L5-S1
- Case Study: Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion (TLIF) of Right L4-S1 in a 55-year-old Female
- Case Study: Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion L4-S1
- Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
- L4/5: laminectomy & foraminotomy – Complete Orthopedics | Multiple NY Locations
- Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion (TLIF)
- Sports Medicine Case Studies
- Case Study: Left Knee Arthroscopic ACL reconstruction using quad tendon autograft in a 26 year-old patient
- Case Study: A 65 year-old female underwent Arthroscopic Rotator Cut Repair, Acromioplasty, and Extensive Debridement
- Case Study: Achilles Tendon Repair using PARS in a 35 year-old man
- Case Study: ACL Reconstruction performed to injured kickball player
- Case Study: ACL Reconstruction using Quad Tendon Autograft and Meniscus Repair in a 25-year-old Female
- Case Study: ACL reconstruction using Quadriceps Tendon Autograft in a 38 yr old female
- Case Study: ACL, Arthroscopic Assisted Reconstruction with Autograft in a 33 year-old female
- Case Study: ACL, Arthroscopic Assisted Reconstruction with Autograft in a 33 year-old male
- Case Study: ACL, Arthroscopic Assisted Reconstruction with Autograft in a 38 year-old guy
- Case Study: ACL, Arthroscopic Assisted Reconstruction with Autograft in a 59 year-old female
- Case Study: Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction and Chondroplasty of the Left Knee in a 30-year-old Female
- Case Study: Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear of the Right Knee in a 51 year-old patient
- Case Study: Arthroscopic Debridement, Decompression and Acromioplasty of left shoulder performed to 38-year-old female patient Iinvolved in Automobile Accident
- Case Study: Arthroscopic Debridement, Decompression, Acromioplasty and Distal Clavicle Excision of the left shoulder
- Case Study: Arthroscopic Debridement, Decompression, Acromioplasty and Distal Clavicle Excision of the Left Shoulder
- Case Study: Arthroscopic Lateral Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty of the Left Knee in 47-year-old Female
- Case Study: Arthroscopic lavage and drainage of the left knee with septic arthritis in a 88 year-old man
- Case Study: Arthroscopic Meniscectomy And Chondroplasty Of The Left Knee In A 63-Year-Old Female
- Case Study: Arthroscopic Surgery: Shoulder Rotator Cuff Repair, Medial Meniscectomy with Microfracture Chondroplasty of the Knee and Shoulder Extensive Debridement in a 47 year-old female
- Case Study: Arthroscopy performed for Labral Tear of the left shoulder of teen male student
- Case Study: Arthroscopy: Tear of Medial Meniscus of Knee in a 48 year-old female
- Case Study: Basic Operative Knee: Arthroscopic partial Medial Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty
- Case Study: Close reduction and internal fixation with bone-nail fixation unit x 2 Biomet in a 44-year-old male
- Case Study: Closed Reduction and Internal Fixation of the Fifth Metacarpal performed to 24 year-old male plumber
- Case Study: Debridement, Subacromial Decompression and Acromioplasty with Distal Clavicle Excision of the Left Shoulder to a 49-year-old male patient involved in automobile accident
- Case Study: Debridement, Subacromial Decompression and Acromioplasty with Distal Clavicle Excision of the left shoulder to a 60 year-old male patient
- Case Study: Displaced Lateral Malleolus Fracture of the right ankle because of fall injury
- Case Study: Distal Biceps Repair in a 52 year-old patient
- Case Study: Distal Radius Fixation with Trans RU Wire performed to 16 year-old male patient
- Case Study: Distal Radius Fracture Extra-articular of the right side in a 71 year-old patient
- Case Study: Distal radius plating performed to a 54-year old female with complaint of wrist pain
- Case Study: Distal Radius Plating performed to a 77-year-old female patient
- Case Study: Elbow Bursectomy: Right Olecranon in a 65-year-old male
- Case Study: Elbow Bursectomy: Right Olecranon in a 74 year-old female
- Case Study: Fluoroscopic Technique: Open Reduction and Internal Fixation using Plate and Screws in a 59 year-old male
- Case Study: Implant nail removal performed to a 87-year old female after experiencing pain
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopic ACL with Knee Arthroscopic Lateral Meniscus Repair
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopic Chondroplasty: Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy with Cortisone Injection in a 58 year-old patient
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopic Lateral Meniscus and Microfracture Chondroplasty
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopic Meniscectomy, Microfracture Chondroplasty and Arthroscopic Assisted Tibial Plateau Fixation with Calcium Phosphate Cement (Subchondroplasty)
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopic: Lateral Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty in a 47-year-old female
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopic: Lateral Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty of the Patella and Medial Femoral Condyle in a 34-year-old female
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopic: Lateral Meniscus Tear and Medial Meniscus Tear of the right knee in a 68 year-old patient
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopic: Lateral Meniscus Tear Repair in a 29 year-old female
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopic: Medial Meniscectomy in a 68 year-old male
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopic: Medial Meniscus Root Repair, Lateral Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty in a 66 year-old patient
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy ACL Construction to a 55 year-old who accidentally twisted his knee while walking
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy ACL Construction using Quad Tendon Autograft performed to a twisted knee
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy performed to male patient involved in a motor vehicle accident
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy with Lateral Release Chondroplasty and Osteophyte Excision in a 31 year-old female
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy with Medial Meniscectomy in a 60 year-old female
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy with Synovectomy Surgery performed to 36 year-old male patient
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Abrasion Chondroplasty with Measurements of the Osteochondral Defect and Arthrotomy and Implantation of Cultured Autologous Chondrocytes on Porcine Membrane (MACI) in a 47 year-old female
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: ACL Reconstruction using Quadriceps Autograft with Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty in 20 year-old young male
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: ACL Repair using Fiber Link, Internal Brace and Tight Rope with Distal Fixation using SwiveLock and Chondroplasty in a 51 year-old female
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: ACL Repair with Medial Meniscectomy in a 32 year-old male
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Arthroscopic Chondroplasty of the Patella and Medial Femoral Condyle in a 29-year-old male
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Lateral Meniscectomy Chondroplasty in a 39-year-old male
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Lateral Meniscectomy with Chondroplasty in a 35 year-old male
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Lateral Meniscectomy, Lateral Femoral Condyle and Trochlear Chondroplasty in a 44 year-old patient
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Medial and Lateral Meniscal Repair in a 21 year-old female
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty performed to 56 year old female patient
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy performed to 40-year-old female patient
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy to a 50 year-old male railroad worker
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy with Chondroplasty Microfracture and Debridement of ACL in a 34 year-old male
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy with Microfracture in a 63 year-old female
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy, Cyclops Excision and Chondroplasty performed to 61-year-old male patient
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscal Repair in a 54 year-old female
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscectomy and Abrasion Chondroplasty in a 61 year-old patient
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty in a 53-year-old Female
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty in a 55 year-old man
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscectomy and Medial Femoral Chondroplasty in a 38 year-old patient
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscectomy Chondroplasty in a 65 year-old female
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscectomy with Bone Biopsy and Debridement in a 28-year-old female
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscectomy with Femoral Chondroplasty in a 60 year-old guy
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscectomy with Patellofemoral Chondroplasty in a 59 year-old female
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Menisectomy and Chondroplasty in a 65 year-old male
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Meniscal Repair of the Medial Meniscus in a 27-year-old male
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty in a 51 year-old female
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Meniscectomy including Chondroplasty of the right knee in a 50 year-old male patient
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Pain in right knee Chondroplasty in a 40 year-old male
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Partial Lateral Meniscectomy, Chondroplasty, ACL Debridement and Open Repair of the Quadriceps in a 50-year old Karate instructor
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Partial Medial Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty in a 51-year old female
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Partial Medial or Lateral Meniscectomy in a 40 year-old female
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Patellofemoral Chondroplasty and Partial Medial Meniscectomy for 28 year-old male athlete
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Patellofemoral Chondroplasty and Partial Medial Meniscectomy in a 45 year-old male
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Patellofemoral Chondroplasty and Partial Medial Meniscectomy in a 53-year-old male involved in an automobile accident
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Repair of the Lateral Meniscus, Chondroplasty of Patella and Lateral Femoral Condyle in a 30-year-old Man
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: Tear of Medial Meniscus with Chondroplasty in a 44 year-old male
- Case Study: Knee Arthroscopy: The Tear of Medial Meniscus of knee in a 46 year-old female
- Case Study: Knee Surgery: Medial Menisctomy and Chondroplasty
- Case Study: Knee Surgery: Medial Meniscus in a 68 year-old female
- Case Study: Kocher’s Approach for Radial Head Fracture Fixation for a 26 year-old right-hand dominant male
- Case Study: Lateral and Medial Meniscectomy performed to a 50-year-old female patient with no reports of injury
- Case Study: Lateral Meniscectomy in a 28 year-old male
- Case Study: Lateral Meniscectomy performed to 24 year-old female patient who had previously knee surgery
- Case Study: Lateral Meniscectomy, Chondroplasty, and Lateral femoral condyle subchondroplasty in 54-year-male with Meniscal Tear and Subchondral Insufficiency Fracture
- Case Study: Lateral Meniscectomy, Chondroplasty, Lateral Femoral Condyle SubChondroplasty in a 43 year-old female
- Case Study: Left Knee Arthroscopic Chondroplasty and Intraarticular Injection in a 69 year-old patient
- Case Study: Left Knee Arthroscopic Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy to 28 year-old Male Involved in a car accident
- Case Study: Left Knee Arthroscopy: Chondroplasty and Microfracture in a 30 year-old patient
- Case Study: Left Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscectomy and Abrasion Chondroplasty in a 51 year-old patient
- Case Study: Left Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscus Root Repair and Lateral Meniscectomy in a 57 year-old Patient
- Case Study: Left Knee arthrotomy and implantation of cultured autologous chondrocytes on porcine membrane (MACI) in a 47 year-old patient
- Case Study: Left Knee Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction in a 21 year-old patient
- Case Study: Left Patellar Fracture Revision, Open Reduction and Internal Fixation with Tension Band in a 68 year-old patient
- Case Study: Left Proximal Humerus Fixation done to a 59 year-old male patient
- Case Study: Left Shoulder Arthroscopy with Debridement, Rotator Cuff Repair, Acromioplasty and Distal Clavicle Excision
- Case Study: Left Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Debridement and Subacromial Bursectomy in a 47 year-old patient
- Case Study: Left Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair and Distal Clavicle Excision in a 55 year-old patient
- Case Study: Left Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair, Acromioplasty, Distal Clavicular Excision, and Limited Debridement in a 46 year-old patient
- Case Study: Left Shoulder Rotator Cuff Repair in a 29 year-old patient
- Case Study: Left Shoulder Rotator Cuff Repair, Distal Clavicle Excision, Labral Debridement, and Chondroplasty Glenoid performed to male foreman worker
- Case Study: Left Total Hip Replacement in a 77-year-old female with Hip Arthritis
- Case Study: Management of 55-year-old Female with Left Knee Quadriceps Tear, Lateral Meniscus Tear, and Partial ACL Tear
- Case Study: Management of 55-year-old Female with Medial Meniscus Tear of the Left Knee
- Case Study: Management of a 35-year-old Female with a Tear of the Long Head of Biceps
- Case Study: Management of a 55-year-old Male with Meniscus Tear and Subchondral Fracture
- Case Study: Management of a 60-year-old Male with Right Rotator Cuff Tear and Acromioclavicular Joint Arthritis
- Case Study: Management of a Distal Radius Fracture in a 24-year-old Female
- Case Study: Management of ACL Tear and Meniscal Injury in a 30-year-old Female
- Case Study: Management of Acromioclavicular Joint Arthritis and Biceps Tear in a 48-year-old Female
- Case Study: Management of Adhesive Capsulitis of the Left Shoulder in a 55-year-old Male
- Case Study: Management Of Bucket Handle Medial Meniscus Tear Of The Right Knee In A Young Female
- Case Study: Management of Distal Bicep Rupture in a 38-year-old Female with Tenodesis Button and Screw
- Case Study: Management of Distal Radius Fracture in a 55-year-old Male
- Case Study: Management of Fracture Dislocation of the Glenohumeral Joint and Comminuted Fracture of the Shaft of Humerus
- Case Study: Management of Medial Meniscal Tear and Patellar Osteochondral Damage in a 60-year-old Female
- Case Study: Management of Patellar Tendon Rupture in a 70-year-old Male
- Case Study: Management of Quadriceps Rupture in a 66-year-old Female
- Case Study: Management of Ramp Lesion of the Medial Meniscus with ACL Deficient Left Knee in a 30-year-old Female
- Case Study: Management of Rotator Cuff Tear and AC Joint Arthritis in a 48-year-old Female
- Case Study: Management of shoulder impingement syndrome with AC arthritis in a 55-year-old female
- Case Study: Management of Tendoachilles Rupture in a 35-year-old BasketBall Player
- Case Study: Management of the 52-year-old Female with Rotator Cuff Tear and Glenohumeral Arthritis
- Case Study: Management of Three-Part Fracture of the Left Proximal Humerus
- Case Study: Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty in a 59-year-old female
- Case Study: Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy with Medial Meniscus Root Repair and Abrasion Chondroplasty performed to 63 year-old female patient
- Case Study: Medial and Lateral Meniscus Repair and ACL Reconstruction performed to male athlete patient
- Case Study: Medial Meniscal Repair and Chondroplasty of the Right Knee in a 50-year-old male
- Case Study: Medial Meniscectomy of Torn Meniscus
- Case Study: Medial Meniscectomy on the left knee and Chondroplasty of the medial femoral condyle in a 76 year-old male
- Case Study: Medial Meniscectomy Repair for 26 year old male patient twisted knee
- Case study: Medial Meniscectomy, PF Chondroplasty and Cortisone Injection in a 57 year-old woman
- Case Study: Medial meniscus repair and Patellofemoral chondroplasty in a 33 year-old male
- Case Study: Medial Meniscus repair performed for Meniscal Cyst found from a 32 year-old male patient
- Case Study: Medial Meniscus Repair performed to 45 year-old female
- Case Study: Medial Meniscus Root Repair with Endobutton and Chondroplasty of the Left Knee
- Case Study: Medial Patellofemoral Ligament (MPFL) Reconstruction, Lateral meniscectomy and Chondroplasty of the Left Knee
- Case Study: Meniscal Repair of the Medial Meniscus on the left knee of a 25-year-old male
- Case Study: Meniscal Repair Of The Medial Meniscus, Partial Meniscectomy Of The Lateral Meniscus And Microfracture Of The Right Knee
- Case Study: Meniscal root repair in a 53-year-old female
- Case Study: Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty in a 48-year male
- Case Study: Meniscectomy and Patellofemoral Chondroplasty in a 60-year-old Female
- Case Study: Meniscectomy in a 56 year old Male
- Case Study: Meniscectomy, Chondroplasty, Patella fixation in a 35-year-old male
- Case Study: Open Reduction and Internal Fixation and Repair of the Lateral Ulnar Collateral Ligament of the elbow in a 28 year-old patient
- Case Study: Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Distal Fibula in a 65 year-old patient
- Case Study: Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Radius and Ulna performed to 38 year-old male patient involved in a vehicle accident
- Case Study: Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Right Distal Radius in a 58 year-old patient
- Case Study: Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of the Distal Fibula in a 51-year-old patient
- Case Study: Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of the Distal Radius in a 69 year-old patient
- Case Study: Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of the right distal radius with plating in a 38 year-old patient
- Case Study: Open Reduction Internal Fixation of Distal Radius Surgery
- Case Study: Open Reduction Internal Fixation of Distal Radius using 8-hole Distal Radial Plate and combination of locking and nonlocking screws in a 64 year-old patient
- Case Study: Open Reduction Internal Fixation, Distal Radius in a 27 year-old female
- Case Study: Open Reduction Internal Fixation: Closed Fracture of Patella in a 73 year-old woman
- Case Study: Open Reduction Internal Fixation: Distal Radius in a 49 year-old male
- Case Study: Open Reduction Internal Fixation: Intra-Articular Proximal Phalanx Fracture of the Distal Head in a 22 year-old male
- Case Study: Open Repair of Tendon-Achilles Tendon using Fiber Tape and SwiveLock in a 32 year-old male
- Case Study: Open Repair of the Distal Biceps using Arthrex Tenodesis Button and Tenodesis Screw performed to a 41-year-old male compounder
- Case Study: ORIF: Displaced Lateral Malleolus Fracture of the left ankle in a 78 year-old male
- Case Study: ORIF: Distal Radius Using Stryker Plate and Screw with Distal Radioulnar Fixation using Crossed Radioulnar K-Wire in a 63 year-old female
- Case Study: ORIF: Lateral Malleolus Plate and Interfragmentary Screw, Medial Malleolus Screws using Fluoroscopy in a 60 year-old male
- Case Study: ORIF: Lateral Malleolus using Distal Fibula Plate and Interfragmentary screws in a 24 year-old male
- Case Study: Osteophyte of Elbow Bone removed to a 36 year-old male
- Case Study: Partial Lateral Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty of Patella and Trochlea performed to 49 year-old patient
- Case Study: Partial Medial Meniscectomy and Microfracture Surgery of Patella left knee performed to a 58-year old female patient
- Case Study: Partial medial meniscectomy and patellofemoral and medial tibiofemoral compartment chondroplasty in a 62-year-old Male
- Case Study: Patellar Tendon Repair Performed to 61-year-old male patient
- Case Study: Repair of the Lateral Meniscus of the left knee with a use of all inside, inside out and outside in sutures
- Case Study: Repair of the Superficial Layer of the Triceps in a 44-year-old patient
- Case Study: Right Knee Arthroscopic Chondroplasty in a 31-year-old male
- Case Study: Right Knee Arthroscopic Excision in a 47-year-old patient
- Case Study: Right Knee Arthroscopic Lateral Release in a 36-year-old patient
- Case Study: Right Knee Arthroscopic Medial Meniscectomy in a 48 year-old patient
- Case Study: Right Knee Arthroscopic Medial Meniscectomy with Abrasion and Microfracture Chondroplasty
- Case Study: Right Knee Arthroscopic: Medial Meniscectomy and Plica Excision in a 63 year-old patient
- Case Study: Right Knee Arthroscopy: Lateral Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty in a 34 year-old patient
- Case Study: Right Knee Arthroscopy: Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy in a 55 year-old patient
- Case Study: Right Knee Arthroscopy: Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy in a 57 year-old patient
- Case Study: Right Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscectomy, Lateral Meniscectomy, and Chondroplasty in a 61 year old female
- Case Study: Right Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscus Root Repair and Chondroplasty in a 59 year-old patient
- Case Study: Right shoulder Arthroscopic Extensive Debridement of Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus and Subscapularis, Glenoid Labrum and Subacromial Decompression performed to a handball player
- Case Study: Right Shoulder Arthroscopic Extensive Debridement with Rotator Cuff Articular Side, Glenoid Labrum and Subacromial Compression, Acromioplasty, Distal Clavicle Excision and Biceps Tenodesis
- Case Study: Right Shoulder Arthroscopy in a 40 year-old patient
- Case Study: Right Shoulder Arthroscopy: Debridement of the Rotator Cuff Articular Side in a 25 year-old patient
- Case Study: Right Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair and Distal Clavicular Excision in a 50 year-old patient
- Case Study: Right Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair in a 68 year-old patient
- Case Study: Right Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Tear, Distal Clavicle Excision, Acromioplasty, Debridement of Subscapularis and Glenoid Labrum, and Mini Open Biceps Tenodesis in a 70 year-old patient
- Case Study: Right Shoulder Extensive Debridement in a 40 year-old patient
- Case Study: Right shoulder Rotator Cuff Repair, Acromioplasty, Distal Clavicle Excision and biceps tenodesis
- Case Study: Right Total Hip Arthroplasty in a 45 year-old patient
- Case Study: Rotator Cuff Repair and Acromial Spurring in a 47 year-old patient
- Case Study: Rotator Cuff Repair Performed to a 66 year-old male patient involved in MVA
- Case Study: Rotator Cuff Repair performed to Bilateral shoulders to a patient who consistently experience pain for 4 years
- Case Study: Rotator Cuff Repair, Debridement, Subacromial Decompression and Acromioplasty of the Left Shoulder in a 53-year-old male involved in an automobile accident
- Case Study: Shoulder Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair with Rotation Patch and Subacromial Decompression in a 56 year-old woman
- Case Study: Shoulder Arthroscopic: Rotator Cuff Repair, Subacromial Decompression and Acromioplasty, Distal Clavicle Excision, Mini Open Subpectoral Biceps Tenodesis
- Case Study: Shoulder Arthroscopy in a 65-year-old female
- Case Study: Shoulder Arthroscopy with Biceps Tenodesis in a 56 year-old male
- Case Study: Shoulder Arthroscopy with Rotator Cuff Repair (Speed Bridge), Acromioplasty, Distal Clavicle Excision, Biceps Tenodesis in a 54 year-old female
- Case Study: Shoulder Arthroscopy with Rotator Cuff Repair in a 42 year-old guy
- Case Study: Shoulder Arthroscopy with Rotator Cuff Repair using Labral Tape and Suture anchor in a 29 year-old girl
- Case Study: Shoulder Arthroscopy with Slap Lesion Repair
- Case Study: Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Debridement with Acromioplasty and Distal Clavicle Excision in a 31 year-old male
- Case Study: Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair in a 18 year-old female
- Case Study: Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair in a 42 year-old female
- Case Study: Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair in a 73 year-old man
- Case Study: Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair using Regenstein Implant with Subacromial Decompression and Acromioplasty Distal Clavicle Excision in a 42 year-old male
- Case Study: Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair using Smith+Nephew in a 43 year-old female
- Case Study: Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair with Acromioplasty and Subacromial Decompression in a 61 year-old female
- Case Study: Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair with the Use of Medical Rotation Implant and Acromioplasty in a 22 year-old male
- Case Study: Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair with the Use of Regeneten Implant in a 51 year-old female
- Case Study: Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair, Acromioplasty and Distal Clavicular Excision in a 45 year-old patient
- Case Study: Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair, Acromioplasty and Subacromial Decompression, and Distal Clavicle Excision in a 43 year-old patient
- Case Study: Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair, Acromioplasty and Subacromial Decompression, and Distal Clavicular Excision in a 65 year-old patient
- Case Study: Shoulder Arthroscopy: With RCR, Acromioplasty, Distal Clavicle Excision in a 53 year-old female
- Case Study: Shoulder Debridement and Mini-Open Biceps Tenodesis performed to a 43 year-old male patient
- Case Study: Shoulder Scope: Labral Debridement, Rotator Debridement, ACR, DCR in a 36 year-old male
- Case Study: Stryker VariAx System for displaced fracture clavicle of a 20-year old male patient
- Case Study: Subacromial Decompression and Acromioplasty, Rotator Cuff Repair in right shoulder, and Subpectoral Mini Open Biceps Tenodesis in a 49 year-old patient
- Case Study: Tendo-Achilles Repair of the Left ankle in a 46 year-old patient
- Case Study: Torn Meniscus due to Aging: Medial Meniscus Repair and Chondroplasty
- Case Study: Trimalleolar Fracture of the Left Ankle to a 33 year-old male oatient Involved in a motor vehicle accident
- Case Study: Wrist Surgery: ORIF Distal Radius and Stryker in a 53 year-old female
- Knee Arthroscopy: Patellofemoral Chondroplasty and Partial Medial Meniscectomy
- Medial Meniscal Repair with use of Semitendinosus Allograft and Medial Femoral Condyle
- Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of the Left Clavicle in a 30 year patient
- Rotator Cuff Repair, Debridement, Subacromial Decompression and Acromioplasty of the left shoulder in a 56 year-old male patient
- Shoulder’s RCR and Subacromial Decompression of 53 years male
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- Dr. Khaled Almansoori MD
- Dr. Mo Athar, MD
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- Dr. Vedant Vaksha, MD
- Foot & Ankle FAQs
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- 3D Knee Implant FAQ’s
- Anterior Cruciate Ligament FAQs
- Knee Bursitis FAQs
- Knee Cartilage Damage FAQs
- Knee Pain FAQs
- Medial & Lateral Collateral Ligament FAQs
- Meniscal Tear of the Knee FAQs
- Meniscus Tear FAQ’s
- Patellofemoral Instability FAQs
- Patellofemoral Pain FAQs
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- Unicompartmental Knee Replacement FAQs
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- Foot and Ankle Surgery
- Accuracy of Ottawa ankle rules to exclude fractures of the ankle and mid-foot
- Achilles Tendon Lengthening
- Akin Osteotomy
- Ankle Arthrodesis After Failed Total Ankle Replacement
- Ankle arthrodesis: A systematic approach
- Ankle Arthroscopy
- Ankle Injuries in Different Sports
- Ankle Lateral Ligament Repair
- Ankle Replacement and Ankle Arthrodesis in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis
- Arthroscopically Assisted Surgery for Ankle Fractures
- Austin Bunionectomy for Bunion
- Bone Grafting for Nonunion
- Bridle Procedure
- Broström Procedure
- Bunionectomy: Surgical Intervention for Bunions
- Cartiva Implant for Hallux Rigidus
- Charcot Foot and Its Treatment
- Chevron Bunionectomy
- Chevron-Akin Bunionectomy
- Congenital Vertical Talus
- Custom-Made Foot Orthotics
- Endoscopic Gastrocnemius Recession
- Excision of Haglund’s Deformity
- Excision of Intermetatarsal Bursitis
- Excision of Medial Malleolar Osteotomy
- Excision of Morton’s Neuroma
- Excision of Plantar Fibromas
- Excision of Sural Nerve Decompression
- First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Fusion
- First MTP Joint Fusion
- First Ray Amputation
- Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendon Transfer for Achilles Tendon Repair
- Flexor Tenotomy
- Gastrocnemius Recession (Strayer Procedure)
- Hallux Rigidus and Cheilectomy
- Hallux valgus
- Hammertoe Arthrodesis
- Hammertoe Surgery
- Improving Ankle Stability Through Balance and Strength Training
- Jones Tenosuspension
- Keller’s Arthroplasty
- Lapidus Arthrodesis
- Lapiplasty
- Lapiplasty Bunion Correction
- Ludloff Osteotomy
- Management and treatment of ankle sprain
- McBride Bunionectomy
- Open Fractures of the Foot and Ankle
- Peroneal Tendon Injuries
- Pes Planovalgus Reconstruction
- Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) and Stem Cell Injections for Foot and Ankle Injuries
- Prevalence, impact and long-term consequences of lateral ankle sprains
- Proprioceptive training for prevention of Ankle Sprains
- Scarf Osteotomy
- Sesamoidectomy
- STAR prosthetic system and the biomechanical considerations in total ankle replacements
- Subtalar Arthrodesis
- Subtalar Fusion
- Subungual Exostectomy
- Tarsal Tunnel Release
- The Cotton Osteotomy
- The Evans Osteotomy
- Tibial Sesamoid Position
- Tibialis Posterior Tendon Transfer
- Total ankle replacement in end-stage osteoarthritis (OA)
- Total Ankle Replacement Infections
- Treatment of acute ankle ligament injuries
- Triple Arthrodesis for Foot Deformity
- Weil Osteotomy
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- Anterior Hip ReplacementAnterior Hip Replacement
- Avascular Necrosis
- Avascular Necrosis of the Hip Joint
- Corticosteroids Use & Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head
- Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
- Direct Anterior Total Hip ArthroplastyDirect Anterior Total Hip Arthroplasty
- Exercises After Hip Replacement
- Fracture after Total Hip Replacement
- Hip Bursitis
- Hip Pain
- Hip Replacement Complications & Risks
- Hip Resurfacing vs Total Hip Replacement
- Leg Length Discrepancy After Hip Replacement
- Makoplasty Anterior Hip Replacement
- Minimally Invasive Total Hip Replacement
- Outpatient Hip Replacement
- Pain After Hip Replacement
- Partial Hip Replacement Vs Total Hip Replacement
- Posterior Hip Replacement
- Revision Hip Replacement
- Robotic Hip Replacement
- Role of Fibular Bone Graft in the Treatment of Avascular Necrosis
- Snapping Hip Syndrome
- Swelling after Hip Replacement
- Total Hip Joint Dislocation
- Total Hip Replacement
- Total Hip Replacement Implants
- Total Hip Replacement Recovery Guide
- Transient Osteoporosis of the Hip
- Uncemented Vs Cemented Hip Replacement
- Wearing out of Total Hip Replacement
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- Buckling after Total Knee Replacement
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- Pain after Knee Replacement
- Partial vs Total Knee Replacement
- Patient-Specific Knee Replacement – Customized Implants Vs Customized Cutting Blocks
- Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injury
- Revision Total Knee Replacement Surgery
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- Shin Splints – Cause and Management
- Smart Total Knee Replacement
- Snapping Knee – Causes & Management
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- 4- And 5-Level Anterior Fusions Of The Cervical Spine
- Adjacent Segment Disease after Cervical Fusion
- Anatomy of Cervical Spine
- Anatomy of the Cervical Spine: Upper Limb Tension Test
- Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion
- Anterior Cervical Surgery Versus Posterior Cervical Surgery
- Cervical Alignment and its Impact on Spinal Health
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- Cervical Laminoplasty
- Cervical Laminoplasty: A Novel Surgery
- Cervical Spinal Stenosis
- Cervical Spine Fusion – Minimally Invasive
- Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy
- Classification of Lower Cervical Spine Injuries
- Clinical Case Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy
- Differential Diagnosis for Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy
- Factors associated with C5 Palsy following Cervical Spine Surgery
- Fluoroscopy-Assisted C1–C2 Posterior Fixation for Atlantoaxial Instability
- Fusion Surgeries of Lower Cervical Spine
- Gorham Disease
- Laminoforaminotomy
- Methods to determine Pedicle Screw Placement Accuracy in Spine Surgery
- Natural History of Degenerative Disc Disease of Lower Cervical
- Natural History of Odontoid Fracture
- Non-fusion Surgeries of Lower Cervical Spine
- Posterior Cervical Fusion
- Precision and safety of percutaneous pedicle screws under fluoroscopic guidance
- Recent Advances in Spine Surgery
- Spine Surgery Set-Up
- Stereotactic body radiation therapy for Non-Spine Bone Metastases
- Strategies for Surgical Treatment and Outcomes in Patients with Spinal Metastasis from Breast Cancer
- Surgical Considerations for Ossification of Posterior Longitudinal Ligament (OPLL)
- Total Disc Replacement
- Total Disc Replacement Complications
- Tuberculosis of the Spine
- Understanding the Use of Robotics in Spine Surgery
- Upper Cervical Spine Diseases
- Dural-tear
- Extreme Lateral Interbody Fusion
- Facet Joint Syndrome
- Flatback Syndrome
- Fractures of the Spine
- General
- Assessment of the Quality of Life related to health in cases of Spinal Metastases
- Cervical Artificial Disc Replacement versus Fusion in the Cervical Spine
- Classification of Perioperative Complications in Spine Surgery
- Comparison of the Anterior and Posterior Approaches for Managing Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament in the Cervical Spine
- COVID-19 and Spine Surgery
- Exploring Spinal Alignment in individuals without back pain
- Global Sagittal balance of the Spine
- Incorporating Posterior Interbody Fusion into Surgical Interventions for Degenerative Lumbar Spine Conditions
- Introduction of Robotics in Spinal Surgery
- Kyphoplasty and Vertebroplasty for Osteoporotic Thoracolumbar Spine Fractures
- Kyphoplasty versus Vertebroplasty in Osteoporotic Thoracolumbar Spine fractures
- Metastatic Spine Tumors Classification and Indications for Surgery
- Osteoporotic Hip and Spine Fractures
- Patient experience outcomes following Spine Surgery
- Practical Aspects and Avoidance of Complications in Micro-Endoscopic Spine Surgeries
- Precision of the Canadian C-spine rule and NEXUS in detecting significant cervical spine injury in patients who have experienced blunt trauma
- Spine Surgical Robotics
- Surgical decision-making framework for the Management of Thoracolumbar Injuries
- Vertebroplasty & Kyphoplasty
- Who needs Spine Surgery?
- Interspinous Process Spacer
- Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
- Laser Spine Surgery
- Lumbar Spine Surgery
- Advances in Surgical Techniques for Lumbar Interbody Fusion
- Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion Surgery
- Assessing Classification Systems for Thoracolumbar Spine Trauma
- Assessment of Thoracolumbar Spine Injuries using Medical Imaging
- Bone Healing Strategies for Lumbar Interbody Fusion
- Computer-Based Techniques for Spine Analysis in MRI
- Consecutive Multilevel Vertebral Paget’s Disease of the Lumbar Spine: Differential Diagnosis
- Development of Full-Endoscopic Lumbar Spine Surgery
- Evaluation and treatment of patients with Thoracolumbar Spine Trauma
- Grade 2 Spondylolisthesis at L4-5 treated by XLIF
- Herniated Disk in the Lower Back
- Iatrogenic Vertebral Artery Injury during Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery
- IPD for Treatment of Degenerative Lumbar Spine Stenosis
- Laminectomy and Minimal Invasive Decompression
- Lumbar Canal Stenosis
- Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease
- Lumbar Disc Replacement
- Lumbar Fusion Surgery
- Lumbar Hemilaminectomy Surgery
- Lumbar Laminectomy Surgery
- Lumbar Spine Anatomy
- Lumbar Spine Diseases
- Managing pain following a complex Spinal Surgery
- Minimally Invasive Lumbar Fusion
- Natural History of Lumbar Spine Disease
- Non-fusion Surgeries of Lumbar Spine
- Optimizing Spine Surgery Outcomes: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS)
- Outcomes following 10-Year mark of Spine Patient Outcomes Research Trial for Intervertebral Disc Herniation
- Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion Surgery
- Postoperative Management Protocol for Incidental Dural Tears During Degenerative Lumbar Spine Surgery
- Prevention of Surgical Site Infections in Adult Spine Surgery
- Risk Factors for Spine Surgeon
- Lumbar Spondylosis
- Microscopic / Endoscopic Discectomy
- Cervical Microdiscectomy
- Intimacy after Microdiscectomy
- Microdiscectomy Complications
- Microdiscectomy in Pregnancy
- Microdiscectomy vs Laminectomy
- Microdiscectomy vs Nucleoplasty
- Open discectomy vs Microdiscectomy
- Percutaneous Lumbar Disc Laser Decompression
- Physical Therapy after Microdiscectomy
- Recovery after Microdiscectomy
- Reherniation of Intervertebral Disc after Microdiscectomy
- Spinal Fusion vs. Microdiscectomy
- Tubular Discectomy
- Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery
- Neck Pain
- Ossification of Posterior Longitudinal Ligament
- Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures
- Prolapsed Intervertebral Disk (PIVD)
- Prolapsed Intervertebral Disk (PIVD)
- Recovery after ACDF Surgery
- Revision Spine Surgery
- Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction & Fusion Surgery
- Sciatica (Lumbar Radiculopathy)
- Abnormal Inflammation of Nerve Roots resulting in significant swelling
- Acupuncture for Sciatica
- Botulinum Toxin Injections for Low-Back Pain and Sciatica
- Comparing Surgical Intervention to Extended Non-Surgical Management for Sciatica
- Conservative / Non-operative treatment of Sciatica
- Correlation between Sciatic Nerve Variants and Diagnosis of Sciatica
- Cost-Effectiveness of Full Endoscopic versus Open Discectomy for Sciatic
- CT and MRI in The Evaluation of Extraspinal Sciatica
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Sciatica
- Diagnosis of Sciatica
- Discovery of Immune-Related Indicators for Sciatica in the bloodstream
- Distinction between Intraspinal and Extraspinal causes in Non-Discogenic Sciatica
- Do’s and Don’ts in Sciatica
- Effect of Gender and Prognostic Factors on Sciatica Outcome
- Effectiveness and Side Effects of Gabapentin and Pregabalin for Sciatica Pain
- Epidural Injections and Sciatica
- Evidence-Based Prognostication in a Case of Sciatica
- Extrapelvic Endometriosis causes Cyclic Sciatica by affecting the Sciatic Nerve
- Factors in the workplace that increase the chances of Developing Sciatica and requiring hospitalization
- Factors that increase the Chances of Developing Low Back Pain and Sciatica
- Factors that predict the Probability of patients with Sciatica returning to work
- Healing from Intense Sciatica Pain
- Heat and Cold Therapy for Sciatica
- Hip Pain and Sciatica
- Laparoscopic Relief for persistent Extraspinal Sciatica and pudendal pain from Pelvic Nerve Entrapment
- Non-Discogenic Sciatica
- Optimal Timing for Surgical Intervention in Cases of Sciatica
- Percutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (PENS)
- Physiotherapy Management of Sciatica
- Piriformis Syndrome and Sciatica
- Practical Neural Tissue Management enhances Short-Term pain and disability in Sciatica patients
- Predicting Sciatica in Adulthood: The Role of Adolescent Sports, Smoking, and Overweight
- Pregnancy and Sciatica
- Premenstrual Period and Lumbar Disc Herniation: Connection to Low Back Pain and Sciatica
- Prognostic Factors for Non-surgically treated Sciatica patients
- Pulsed Radiofrequency for Low back pain and Sciatica
- Role of Chiropractic Treatment for Sciatica
- Sciatic Nerve – Anatomy
- Sciatica – Causes
- Sciatica: Epidemiology and Prevalence
- Spinal Imbalance in Lumbar Disc Herniation patients associated with Sciatica
- Sudden Post-Traumatic Sciatica caused by a Thoracic Spinal Meningioma
- Sudden Post-Traumatic Sciatica caused by a Thoracic Spinal Meningioma
- Surgical approaches for Sciatica caused by Herniated Disc
- Surgical Treatment of Sciatica of Lumbar Radiculopathy
- The relationship between Obesity and Sciatica as a risk factor
- Treating Lumbar Disc Sciatica on an outpatient basis
- Treating Sciatica with Epidural Intervention
- Utility Of MRI In Guiding Surgical Decisions for Sciatica Related To Disc Issues
- Scoliosis
- Selective Nerve Root Block
- Spinal Cord Stimulation
- Spine Tumors
- Spondylolisthesis
- Synovial Facet Cyst
- Total Disc Replacement
- Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion Surgery
- Tuberculosis of the Spine
- Suhirad Khokhar, MD
- Text
- Total Hip Arthroplasty
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- Workers Compensation
- Alaska
- COVID-19 and Workers’ Compensation
- Medical Treatment Guidelines (MTGs)
- Ankle and Foot Disorders
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Achilles Tendinopathy in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Achilles Tendon Rupture in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Ankle and Foot Disorders for workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Ankle and Foot Fractures in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Ankle Sprain in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Ankle Tendinopathies (Other than Achilles Tendinopathy) in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Bunions / Hallux Valgus in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Charcot Joint in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Foot Drop in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Foot Neuroma in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Foot Ulceration in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Forefoot and Midfoot Fractures in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Hammer Toe in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Hindfoot Fractures in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Mid-Tarsus Pain and Sprains in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Paronychia in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Plantar Heel Pain in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Tenosynovitis (Including Stenosing Tenosynovitis) in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Introduction for Ankle and Foot Disorders for workers compensation patients
- Complex Regional Pain
- General Guideline Principles for Acetaminophen for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Activities and Activity Alteration of Management of CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Activity Modification and Exercise of Treatment of CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Acupuncture for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Amputation for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Anti-Convulsant Agents for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Antibodies for Diagnosing Chronic Pain with Suspicion of Rheumatological Disorder for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Antibodies to Confirm Specific Rheumatological Disorders for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Antipsychotics for CRPS or CRPS-Related Neuropathic Pain for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Autonomic Nervous System and Respiration (ANSAR) Testing for Diagnosing CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Behavorial Interventions for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Biofeedback for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Biopsychosocial Approach to CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Bisphosphonates for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Bone Scanning for Diagnosing CRPS (Triple-Phase) for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Calcitonin for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Capsicum Creams for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Clonidine for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Patients with CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for CRPS Diagnostic Criteria for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Cytokine Tests for Diagnosing CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Diagnostic Testing for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Diathermy for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Duloxetine for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Electrical Therapies for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Electrodiagnostic Studies (“EDS”, e.g. Nerve Condiction Velocities and Needle Electromyelography) for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for EMLA Cream for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Fear Avoidance Belief Training for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Functional MRIs for Diagnosing CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Gabapentin / Pregabalin (Short Term) for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for General Principles of Treatment of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for History of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Hot and Cold Therapies for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Hyperbaric Oxygen for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Infrared Therapy for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Initial Assessment for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Initial Care of Management of CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Injection Therapies for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Intrathecal Glucocorticosteroids for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Intravenous NSAIDs for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Ketamine Infusion for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Ketanserin for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Laboratory Tests for Peripheral Neuropathic Pain for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Local Anesthetic Injections for Diagnosing CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Low-level Laser Therapy for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Magnesium Sulfate for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Magnets and Magnetic Stimulation for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Manipulation for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Mannitol for Treatment of CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Massage for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Muscle Relaxants for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Myofascial Release for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for NMDA Receptor/Antagonists for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Non-specific Inflammatory Markers for Screening for Inflammatory Disorders for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor Anti-depressants for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Occlusal Splint for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Open Sympathectomy and External Radiation for Sympathetic Blockade for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Open Sympathectomy, including with external radiation for sympathetic blockade for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Oral Glucocorticosteroids for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Oral NSAIDs for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Overview of Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Palliate or Rehabilitate for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Physical Examination of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Psychological Evaluation for CRPS Patients for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Psychological Evaluation for CRPS Patients for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Psychological Issues for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for QSART for Diagnosing CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Red Flags for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Reflexology for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Rehabilitation for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Risk and Causation for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), Bupropion, or Trazodone for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Specific Treatment Interventions of General Principles of Treatment for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for SPECT/PET for Diagnosing CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Spinal Cord Stimulators for Short- to Intermediate-term Relief of CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Surface EMG for Diagnosing CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Symptoms and Signs May Include for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Taping and Kinesiotaping for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Tertiary Pain Programs: Interdisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation Programs, Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Programs, Chronic Pain Management Programs, and Functional Restoration Programs for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Thalidomide and Lenalidomide for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Thermography for Diagnosing CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha Blockers for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Vitamin C for Prevention of CRPS in Patients with Distal Radius, Wrist, Hand, Ankle and Foot Fractures for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Work Activities of Management of CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Work Conditioning, Work Hardening, Early Intervention Programs for CRPS for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for X-rays for Diagnosing CRPS for workers compensation patients
- Elbow
- General Guideline Principles for Biceps Tendinosis (or Tendinitis) and Tears/Ruptures for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Computerized Tomography for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Contusions for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Diagnostic Criteria and Differential Diagnosis for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Elbow Arthroscopy for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Elbow Dislocations for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Elbow Fractures, including Non-Displaced Radial Head Fractures for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Elbow Injury for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Elbow Injury for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Elbow Sprains for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Electromyography and Nerve Conduction Studies (Electrodiagnostic Studies) for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Epicondylitis (Epicondylalgia) for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Introduction Elbow Injury for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Laboratory Testing for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Olecranon Bursitis for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Pronator Syndrome (Median Neuropathies in the Forearm) for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Radial Nerve Entrapment (Including Radial Tunnel Syndrome) for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Roentgenograms (X-RAYS) for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Ulnar Neuropathies at the Elbow; Including Condylar Groove Associated Ulnar Neuropathy and Cubital Tunnel Syndrome for workers compensation patients
- Hand, Wrist and Forearm Injuries
- General Guideline Principles for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Crush Injuries and Compartment Syndrome for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Distal Forearm Fractures for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Distal Phalanx Fractures and Subungual Hematoma for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Dupuytren’s Disease for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Extensor Compartment Tenosynovitis (Including de Quervain’s Stenosing Tenosynovitis and Intersection Syndrome) for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Flexor Tendon Entrapment (Tenosynovitis and Trigger Digit) for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Ganglion Cyst for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Hand / Finger Osteoarthrosis for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Hand, Wrist and Forearm Injuries (including Carpal Tunnel Syndrome) for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Hip and Groin Disorders for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for History Taking and Physical Examination of Hand, Wrist and Forearm Injuries for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Human Bites, Animal Bites and Associated Lacerations for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Kienböck Disease for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Laceration Management for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Mallet Finger for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Middle and Proximal Phalangeal and Metacarpal Fractures for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Non-Specific Hand/Wrist/Forearm Pain for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Radial Nerve Entrapment for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC) Tears for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Ulnar Nerve Entrapment at the Wrist (Including Guyon’s Canal Syndrome and Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome) for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Wrist Sprains for workers compensation patients
- Hip and Groin Disorders
- General Guideline Principles for Diagnostic Criteria and Differential Diagnosis for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Diagnostic Testing and Testing Procedures for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Epididymo-Orchitis for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Femoracetabular Impingement, “Hip Impingement” or Labral Tears for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Gluteus Medius Tendinosis and Tears (“Rotator Cuff of the Hip”) Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome and Trochanteric Bursitis for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Groin Strains and Adductor-Related Groin Pain for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Hamstring and Hip Flexor Strains for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Hip and Groin Disorders for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Hip Fractures for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Hip Osteoarthrosis for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Hip Osteonecrosis for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Introduction to Hip and Groin Disorders for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Lower Abdominal Strains for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Meralgia Paresthetica for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Overview of Hip and Groin Disorders for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Pre- and Post-Operative Rehabilitation, Including Hip Arthroplasty and Hip Fractures for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Prevention of Venous Thromboembolic Disease for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Red Flags for workers compensation patients
- Knee
- General Guideline Principles for Knee Injury for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Triceps Tendinosis (or Tendinitis) and Tears/Ruptures for workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Acupuncture in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Aggravated Osteoarthritis in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Anterior Cruciate Ligament in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Bursitis in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Chondral Defects in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Collateral Ligament Injury in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Diagnostic Testing and Procedures of Knee Injury in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for History Taking and Physical Examination in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Knee Rehabilitation in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Laboratory Testing in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Medications in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Meniscal Allograft Transplantation Exclusion Criteria in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Meniscus Injury in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Orthotics and Prosthetics in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Other Procedures in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Patellar Subluxation in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Posterior Cruciate Ligament in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Radiographic Imaging in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Retropatellar Pain Syndrome in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Tendinitis/Tenosynovitis in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Therapeutic Injections in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Therapeutic Procedures in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Therapy: Ongoing Maintenance Care in workers compensation patients
- Mid and Low Back
- General Guideline Principles for Acupuncture for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Appliances for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Bed Rest for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Decompressive Surgery (Laminotomy / Facetectomy Laminectomy for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Disc Replacement for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Discectomy, Microdiscectomy, Sequestrectomy, Endoscopic Decompression for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Electrical Bone Growth Stimulators for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Electrical Therapies for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Follow-Up Diagnostic Imaging and Testing Procedures of Mid and Low Back Injury for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for History Taking and Physical Examination of Mid and Low Back Injury for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Imaging / Anatomical Tests of Mid and Low Back Injury for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Imaging Studies of Mid and Low Back Injury for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Injections: Therapeutic Spinal for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Intraoperative Monitoring / Image Guidance / Robotic Surgery for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Laboratory Testing of Mid and Low Back Injury for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Medications for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Mid and Low Back Injury for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Other Tests / Procedures of Mid and Low Back Injury for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Radiofrequency Ablation, Neurotomy, Facet Rhizotomy for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Rehabilitation for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Sacroiliac Surgery for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Spinal Fusion for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Therapy – Ongoing Maintenance Care for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty for workers compensation patients
- Neck
- General Guideline Principles for Acupuncture for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Acute Fractures and Dislocations for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Biofeedback for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Cervical Artificial Disc Replacement for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Disc Herniation and Other Cervical Conditions for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Electrical Bone Growth Stimulators for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Follow-Up Diagnostic Imaging and Testing Procedures for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Hip and Groin Disorders for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for History Taking and Physical Examination of Neck Injury for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Imaging of Neck Injury for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Imaging Studies of Neck Injury for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Injections: Therapeutic for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Laboratory Tests of Neck Injury for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Medication for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Neck Injury for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Orthotics for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Radiofrequency Ablation, Neurotomy, Facet Rhizotomy for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Restriction of Activities for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Spinal Cord Programs for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Therapy: Ongoing Maintenance Care for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Treatments for workers compensation patients
- Non-Acute Pain
- General Guideline Principles for Biomedical vs. Biopsychosocial Approaches to the Diagnosis, Treatment and Management of Pain for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Definition of Non-Acute Pain for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Delayed Recovery of Non-Acute Pain for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Diagnostic Studies (Imaging, Electrodiagnostic Studies (EDX), Special Studies, Laboratory Testing) for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Duration of Programs / Interventions of Non-Acute Pain for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Evaluation and Diagnostic Procedures of Non-Acute Pain for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Functional Maintenance Care for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Functional Restoration Approach to Non-Acute Pain Management for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for General Recommendations for Functional Maintenance Care for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Goals of Pain Management Programs of Non-Acute Pain for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Guidelines for Optimizing Opioid Treatment for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for History Taking and Physical Examination of Non-Acute Pain for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Implantable Spinal Cord Stimulator (SCS) for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Importance of Early Intervention of Non-Acute Pain for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Intrathecal Drug Delivery (Pain Pumps) for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Medical versus Self-Management Model for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Multidisciplinary Programs of Non-Acute Pain for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Non-Acute Pain for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Non-Acute Pain Management Programs (Interdisciplinary or Functional Restoration Pain Management Program) for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Non-Opioid Medications and Medical Management for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Non-Pharmacological Treatment Options of Non-Acute Pain for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Opioid-Related Medications: Tramadol, Methadone, Buprenorphine and Tapentadol for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Opioids: Initiating Transitioning and Managing Long-Term Oral Opioids for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Pain Outcomes and Endpoints of Non-Acute Pain for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Peripheral Nerve Stimulation (PNS) for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Personality / Psychological / Psychosocial Clinical Evaluation for Pain Management for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Pharmacological Approaches for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Psychological Evaluation and Intervention of Non-Acute Pain for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Summary of Non-Acute Pain for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Types of Programs of – Non-Acute Pain for workers compensation patients
- Occupational Interstitial Lung Disease
- General Guideline Principles for Asbestosis for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Coal Workers’ Pneumoconiosis (CWP) for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Granulomatous Diseases for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for History Taking and Physical Examination of Occupational Interstitial Lung Disease for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (HP) for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Introduction of Occupational Interstitial Lung Disease for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Key Concepts of Occupational Interstitial Lung Disease for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Management of Occupational Interstitial Lung Disease for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Occupational Interstitial Lung Disease Diagnostic Testing for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Occupational Interstitial Lung Disease for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Overview of Occupational Interstitial Lung Disease for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Silicosis for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Toxic Inhalation Injury for workers compensation patients
- Occupational Work-Related Asthma
- General Guideline Principles for Diagnostic Testing for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Exposure Assessment for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Introduction of Occupational Work-Related Asthma for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Management of Occupational Asthma (OA) for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Medications for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Occupational Work-Related Asthma for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Prevention and Exposure Control for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Prognosis for workers compensation patients
- General Guideline Principles for Treatments for workers compensation patients
- Shoulder
- General Guideline Principles for Shoulder Injury for workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Acromioclavicular injuries in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Adhesive Capsulitis / Frozen Shoulder Disorder in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Bicipital Tendon Disorders in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Brachial Plexus Injuries in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Bursitis of the Shoulder in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Electrical Therapeutic Modality in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Follow-Up Diagnostic Imaging / Testing in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for History Taking and Physical Examination in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Immobilisation in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Medications in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Red Flags in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Return to Work after Shoulder Injury in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Rotator Cuff Tears in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Rotator Cuff Tendinitis in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Shoulder Fractures in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Shoulder Impingement Syndrome in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Shoulder Instability in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Superficial Heat and Cold in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Superior Labrum Anterior and Poster (SLAP) Lesions in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Therapeutic Exercise in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Therapeutic Ultrasound for shoulder injury With or Without Electrical Stimulation in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Therapy: Ongoing Maintenance Care in workers compensation patients
- New York State Medical Treatment Guidelines for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) in workers compensation patients
- Ankle and Foot Disorders
- New Jersey
- Benefits FAQs
- Center for Occupational Employment Information (COEI)
- Employer Access
- Fraud Regulations and Reporting
- General FAQs
- Guidance and Resources for Insurance Carriers
- Guidance and Resources for Insurance Carriers
- Insurance Carriers
- Lawyer referral services
- Legal Announcements
- Legal Information: Research Manual
- Legal Information: Seminars
- Legal Statement & Disclaimers
- Litigation and Adjudication
- Mandatory Electronic Reporting
- Navigating Disputes
- Online Services: COURTS on-line
- Protections for Injured Workers
- Rates and Statistics
- Reporting Requirements
- Requirements for Employers
- Return and Earn
- Total Disability and second injury fund
- Uninsured Employers Fund
- Uninsured Employers Fund
- Workers’ Compensation
- Scheduled Loss of Use
- Workers compensation Scheduled Loss of Use for Ankle and Foot
- Workers compensation Scheduled Loss of Use for Central Nervous System Conditions, Peripheral Nerve Injuries and Entrapment / Compression Neuropathies
- Workers compensation Scheduled Loss of Use for Great and Lesser Toes
- Workers compensation Scheduled Loss of Use for Hand and Wrist
- Workers compensation Scheduled Loss of Use for Knee and Tibia
- Workers compensation Scheduled Loss of Use for Shoulder
- Workers compensation Scheduled Loss of Use for Visual System/Auditory System/Facial Scars and Disfigurement
- Workers compensation Scheduled Loss of Use for Determining Hip and Femoral Impairment
- Workers compensation Scheduled Loss of Use for Elbow
- Workers compensation Scheduled Loss of Use for Upper Extremities – Thumb and Fingers
- Settling Your Workers’ Compensation Claim
- Short-Term Disability Workers’ Compensation Patients and Paid Family Leave
- The Effect of Workers’ Compensation Status on the Patient Experience
- The Role of Medical Providers in Workers’ Compensation
- When Should Employers Purchase Workers’ Compensation Insurance?
- Workers Compensation FAQs
- Workers’ Compensation History in the United States
- Workers’ Compensation Injury Billing Forms
- Workers’ Compensation Insurance: What a Business Owner Needs to Know
- Workers’ Compensation Issues of Concern, Clinical Significance and Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes
- Workers’ Compensation Origin
- Workers’ Compensation Pays Primary to Medicare When a Medicare Beneficiary Has a Work-Related Medical Claim
- Workers’ Compensation Provider Billing FAQs
- Workers’ Compensation State Laws
- Workers’ Compensation Fraud
- Workers´ Compensation FAQ
- Achilles Tendon Injuries
Posts by category
- Category: Elbow
- Category: Feet
- Category: General
- Osteoarthritis
- Heat, Cold, and Compression Therapy
- Sustained Acoustic Medicine (SAM) Wearable Ultrasound Device
- Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) Machine after Knee Surgeries
- Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) Machine for the Shoulder Joint
- Plantar Fasciitis – Causes & Management
- Surgeries of Upper Cervical Spine Diseases
- Robotic Hip Replacement Procedures
- Intimacy after Total Hip Replacement
- Alcohol Intake & Avascular Necrosis of the Hip
- Surgical Hip Dislocation for Femoroacetabular Impingement
- Patient Visits During Coronavirus Pandemic (Masks are required in the office!)
- Managing Musculoskeletal Pains During COVID-19
- Managing Radiculopathy During COVID-19
- Medical Tourism Tips from a Former Patient in Canada
- Covid 19 Update
- Common Basketball Injuries & How to Treat Them
- Dr. Vaksha on the Intervertebral Disc
- Dr. Vaksha – Pain in the Shoulder Joint
- Dr. Vaksha – Anatomy of the Cervical Spine
- Dr. Vedant Vaksha Planning for Shoulder Surgery
- Dr. Vedant Vaksha – The Shoulder Joint
- Dr. Vedant Vaksha Shoulder Tear & Instability
- Dr. Vaksha – Rotator Cuff Tendinitis
- Dr. Vaksha – The Intervertebral Disc
- Joint Crepitus and it’s Relevance to Arthritis
- Cryotherapy & Compression Therapy for Knee Surgery
- Dr. Vedant Vaksha – Cures and Surgeries for Back & Neck Pain
- Authorizing Physical Therapy with Workers Comp
- Dr. Vedant Vaksha – That Pain in My Neck: What’s Going On?
- Dr. Vedant Vaksha – Why Does My Back Hurt?
- What Should You Do When You Suffer an Orthopedic Injury On Vacation?
- Orthopedic Injuries At Dangerous Jobs
- What Are The Most Common Types Of Workplace Injuries?
- Orthopedic Injuries And What You Need to Know About Workers’ Compensation
- Cervical Laminectomy Surgery for Injuries Sustained in an Auto Accident
- Medical Insurance for Orthopedic Injuries Sustained in Auto Accidents
- Lumbar Laminectomy Surgery for Injuries Sustained in an Auto Accident
- Recovery Time For Tibial Osteotomy
- Category: Healthcare News
- Category: Joint Replacement
- Category: Videos
- Custom Knee Replacement Surgical Plan – 62 YO Male
- Custom Knee Replacement Surgical Plan – 55 YO Female
- Custom Knee Replacement Surgical Plan – 54 YO Female
- Custom Knee Replacement Surgical Plan – 53 YO Male
- Custom Knee Replacement Surgical Plan – 51 YO Male
- Custom Knee Replacement Surgical Plan – 42 YO Female
- Custom Knee Replacement Surgical Plan – 41 YO Female
- Custom Knee Replacement Surgical Plan – 39 YO Female
- Custom Knee Replacement Surgical Plan – 38 YO Female
- Custom Knee Replacement Surgical Plan – 61 YO Female
- Custom Knee Replacement Surgical Plan – 58 YO Male
- Custom Knee Replacement Surgical Plan – 36 YO Male
- Fusion Surgeries of Lower Cervical Spine
- Video: Clinical Case C1-C2 Instability
- Complications of Spine Surgery
- Presentation of Lower Cervical Spine Diseases
- Natural History of Odontoid Fracture
- Clinical Case Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy
- Natural History of Lumbar Spine Disease
- Non-Fusion Surgeries of Lower Cervical Spine
- Lower Cervical Spine Diseases
- Spine Surgery Set-up
- Recent Advances in Spine Surgery
- Presentation of Lumbar Spine Diseases
- Clinical Case Lumbar 4-5 Spondylolisthesis with Lumbar Canal Stenosis
- Laminectomy and Minimal Invasive Decompression
- Differential Diagnosis of Lumbar Spine Diseases
- Lumbar Spine Anatomy
- Lumbar Spine Diseases
- Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty
- Who Needs Spine Surgery?
- Non Fusion Surgeries of Lumbar Spine
- Fusion Surgeries of Lumbar Spine
- Category: Workers Comp
- Category: Wrist