Ankle Replacement and Ankle Arthrodesis in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a condition that affects joints and their cartilage, causing structural and functional deterioration. While it commonly affects joints like the knee and hip, ankle osteoarthritis is less discussed due to its lower occurrence. Two main treatments for ankle OA are total ankle replacement (TAR) and ankle arthrodesis (AAD).
AAD, also known as ankle fusion, is a widely used approach for ankle OA. It often brings about significant pain relief and functional improvement, allowing patients to resume their daily activities. TAR, on the other hand, serves as an alternative to AAD and has seen advancements over the years, offering better outcomes including reduced pain and improved function. Despite their effectiveness, both procedures have drawbacks.
Ankle fusion, although a conventional method, can alter walking patterns and potentially lead to OA in adjacent joints. TAR shows promising short and mid-term results but requires further investigation for long-term effects and poses challenges for surgeons due to its complexity.
Kim et al. conducted a similar study comparing TAR and AAD for severe ankle arthritis in 2016. This study’s main finding aligns with theirs: both TAR and AAD show similar effectiveness and safety in certain aspects. While Kim’s study found TAR patients had more re-operations and complications, these results didn’t show a significant difference between the two procedures. This difference could be due to the inclusion of more recent studies in our analysis, suggesting potential advancements in surgical techniques over time.
Both TAR and AAD have seen improvements in recent years, with advancements in surgical techniques and increased surgeon experience leading to better outcomes.
In summary, while each treatment may excel in different aspects, it’s challenging to determine superiority between TAR and AAD as there was no statistically significant difference found. The limitations identified in this analysis suggest the need for larger sample sizes and improved search strategies to minimize bias and variability. Further research is essential to thoroughly evaluate and compare the effectiveness and safety of TAR and AAD.
Do you have more questions?
What is arthritis?
Arthritis is a term that refers to inflammation of the joints. There are many types of arthritis, but the most common ones are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
- Osteoarthritis (OA): This is the most prevalent form of arthritis and occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of bones wears down over time. It commonly affects joints in the hands, knees, hips, and spine, leading to pain, stiffness, and reduced joint flexibility.
- Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): RA is an autoimmune disease where the immune system mistakenly attacks the synovium, the lining of the membranes that surround the joints. This can lead to inflammation, joint damage, and pain. RA often affects multiple joints and can also have systemic effects on other organs.
Arthritis can cause a range of symptoms, including joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and a decreased range of motion. It can be a chronic condition and may impact a person’s quality of life. Treatment options vary depending on the type of arthritis and may include medication, physical therapy, lifestyle changes, or in some cases, surgery.
It’s essential for individuals experiencing joint symptoms to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management plan.
What is ankle arthritis?
Ankle arthritis involves inflammation and deterioration of the ankle joint cartilage. Ankle arthritis can cause a range of symptoms, including joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and a decreased range of motion. It can be a chronic condition and may impact a person’s quality of life.
What causes ankle arthritis? How do you get arthritis in your ankle?
In vast majority of patients (60-80%) ankle arthritis occurs secondary to injury. This can be a fracture of the ankle or an impact injury without fracture. The initial insult to ankle cartilage results in a slow deterioration of the joint. Over time this progressively results in worsening progressive arthritis. To a lesser extent, ankle arthritis can also be due to a patient’s natural history, infection, gout, or underlying medical conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis / hemophilia.
In many of these cases, an initial fracture/impaction injury results in uneven force dissipation across the ankle joint. This causes the ankle to be overloaded in certain area. After years of walking on this unevenly distributed joint, the cartilage starts to wear thin, and inflammation ensures.
Is ankle arthritis common? How common is ankle arthritis?
Ankle arthritis is less common that larger weight bearing joints such as the knee or hip. The incidence of ankle arthritis is approximately 30 per 100,000 people. Global approximation is roughly 1% of the population.
What does arthritis in ankle feel like?
Often patients will experience pain around ankle joint. This is most commonly with weight bearing, walking, or exercises. Swelling at the joint line is very common. Over time the joint will become stiff, and range of motion will be lost. If this goes on long enough, the alignment of the joint will change, and a progressive deformity will ensue. The natural history of all arthritis is to slowly and chronically progress, with worsening pain exacerbation episodes.
How do you diagnose ankle arthritis? how is ankle arthritis diagnosed?
A surgeon will obtain a thorough history and perform a physical examination. If there is a convincing clinical presentation, we will confirm our suspicion with X-rays and advanced imaging. Additional testing may be required.
Does ankle arthritis show up on X-ray?
Yes. Most of the time we are able to detect arthritis on X-rays. In the cases of very focal disease, or early arthritis, additional advanced imaging may be required (MRI / CT scans).
What does ankle arthritis look like on an X-ray?
Ankle arthritis will show up as narrowing of the joint space at the ankle joint line. There may also be formation of new bony spurs. In severe cases the ankle will start to drift medially or laterally, resulting in deformity.
How to treat arthritis in ankle arthritis? What can be done for ankle arthritis? What can I do for arthritis in my ankles?
The treatment of ankle arthritis is divided into non-operative and operative techniques.
In vast majority of patients, we initially encourage non-operative treatment. The goal of non-operative treatment is to avert or delay surgery. No intervention can “cure” arthritis. We try to maximize your time with a natural joint. Most of these strategies are aimed at keeping you strong and allowing you to cope with the pain from ankle arthritis. Non-operative interventions include activity modification, shoe modifications, weight loss, bracing, walking aids, physical therapy, and pain medications / anti-inflammatories. You can try turmeric and topical capsaicin as natural remedies. Some patients report improvements in pain. You should maintain optimal levels of Vitamin D and Calcium. This is important for bone and cartilage turnover. Icing and elevation can help with swelling related symptoms.
Once these options are exhausted, we typically turn in injection options. This includes cortisone injections, Hyaluronic Acid injections, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections, and Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) injections. Cortisone is a strong anti-inflammatory and can provide temporary relief of pain symptoms. Recent literature suggests having too many cortisone injections can hasten joint deterioration. See the article below. Thus, frequent cortisone injections are not ideal. Hyaluronic Acid injections act as lubrication and can help with pain symptoms. These tend to provide temporary pain relief and return of function. PRP are injections where we take blood, spin out the red blood cells, and run the plasma layer through a filtrate. This concentrates growth factors, inflammatory singling molecules, and immune modulators. This can help stabilize cartilage and provided more long-term pain relief. MSC is a more invasive procedure where we harvest stem cells from your pelvic. We then use a special centrifuge to separate the stem cells, and this is then injected into the arthritic joint. These cells secrete the same proteins that are found in your plasma. However, since we are injection cells, the effect of this injection tends to be longer.
See the article below that summarizes these non-operative arthritis management strategies.
Once all non-operative options have been exhausted, and you are no longer able to cope with ankle arthritis, surgical options are indicated. Continue reading for further information on how surgery can be helpful for treating ankle arthritis.
Do ankle braces help with arthritis? Will an ankle brace help arthritis?
Yes. Most ankle arthritis braced work by reducing motion at the ankle joint. This helps prevent excessive motion and helps reduce pain. However, it can worsen ankle stiffness. Use it sparingly. Try to maintain ankle range of motion with stretches / exercises,
What surgery is done for ankle arthritis?
Once all non-operative options have been exhausted, and you are no longer able to cope with ankle arthritis, surgical options are indicated. Continue reading for further information on how surgery can be helpful for treating ankle arthritis.
There are many surgical approaches to treating ankle arthritis. This depends on several factors. This can be patient factors such as underlying medical conditions, level of activity, goals of treatment, and expectations. Joint related factors also come into play. This includes how severe the arthritis is, whether there localized or global disease, severity of arthritis, presence of deformity, and involvement of surrounding soft tissue structures. Furthermore, concomitant foot deformity must also be considered.
Early ankle arthritis, that is well localized, in young active healthy patients, is amenable to debridement with ankle arthroscopy. This is a minimally invasive procedure where a camera is inserted into the joint, and areas of arthritis are debrided away. This can provide pain relief, more range of motion, and long-term symptom control for patients with early ankle arthritis. See the ankle arthroscopy section for more information regarding these options. Speak to one of our experts if you think you may be a candidate.
More extensive arthritis is typically treated with two main options: fusion (arthrodesis) or replacement (arthroplasty). Both options have their benefits and pitfalls. It is critical to have a discussion with your surgeon to determine which option is right for you.
Ankle fusion (arthrodesis) is considered the gold standard for cases of severe ankle arthritis. It has been the go-to procedure for decades. Here we expose the joint, remove any residual cartilage, and oppose the talus bone to the end of the tibia bone. These two bones heal to one another, forming one bony structure. Functionally the joint is eliminated. There is no motion across the joint anymore. However, there is also no pain.
Ankle replacement (arthroplasty) is a newer procedure that has been advancing quickly over the last 2 decades. Replacement surgery is much more involved than ankle fusion. It provides pain relief similar to fusion surgery. However, it allows us to maintain motion at the ankle joint. This is thought to prevent neighboring foot joints from deteriorating. The recovering and healing form this is more difficult.
Ask one of our experts if you are a candidate for one of these procedures.
How is an ankle fusion done? How does ankle fusion work?
In order to do an ankle fusion, we first make the decision to do it using a traditional open incision, or arthroscopically (though a camera). This depends mainly on how severe the arthritis is. In either case, we expose the joint and removed any residual cartilage. Bony ends of the talus and tibia are exposed. All debris is removed. We then Make perforations that facilitate healing. We then oppose the bony ends of the talus and tibia in a functional position. We use screws or plates to compress and hold this bony apposition. The incisions are closed.
After the procedure the ankle is casted, and you are kept non-weight bearing for a minimum of 6 weeks. After that point, we start the rehab process.
How is ankle replacement done? How does ankle replacement work?
In order to perform an ankle replacement, we often will utilize advanced imaging and patient specific instruments. This requires a CT scan before the procedure. Custom cutting jigs will be 3D printed. These improve the location of bony cuts and reduce operative time.
We make an incision in the front of your ankle, avoiding nerves and vessels. We dissect down to the joint, preserving soft tissues. We apply and secure 3D printed custom cutting jigs. These are secured. We then cut the tibia and talus to accommodate metal implants. Once cuts are made, we remove excess bone and debris. We apply trial implants to ensure sizing and tension. Once we have determined the correct size implants, we place metal components in the tibia and talus. We then place a high-density polyethylene component.
At this stage we stress test the ligament structures. If there is ligament deficiency, we may perform a reconstruction acutely, or stage this to a later time. Similarly, if there is a foot deformity this may be addressed at the time of surgery or staged to a later time.
All incisions are closed and a cast is applied. This can be present for 2-4 weeks. After this point, rehab is initiated.
What is recovery like after an ankle replacement (arthroplasty)?
Once the surgery is complete, you are placed into a cast. The cast is required for minimum of 2-4 weeks. We will remove the sutures 2-3 weeks post op. You will have to remain non-weight bearing for minimum of 2-4 weeks. Once the cast is removed, we can start weight bearing and rehab. Often, we will transition you to a rigid removable boot, to start weight bearing. This will be weaned as you progress in physical therapy.
It will likely take 3-4 months before you feel that you can walk on the ankle comfortably. The fusion will continue to heal and remodel for over a year. Swelling will be present for at least 6 months. In some cases, swelling is present for over 18 month. It goes away eventually as you rehab.
Is ankle replacement better than ankle fusion? Which surgery is better for ankle arthritis?
This is a difficult and complex question. For many decades, there have been similar outcomes in terms of post operative pain, function, and satisfaction when comparing ankle replacement to ankle fusion. Both offer similar pain relief and function. However, ankle replacements preserve motion. Additional, ankle replacements are high risk surgeries. There is higher risk of complications such as infection, fracture, nerve / vessel injury, and requirement for further surgery in the future.
Historically, ankle fusions were the surgery of choice for vast majority of patients. However, as ankle replacement implants evolve, there is a paradigm shift. We are starting to see better outcomes for replacement patients compared to fusion. Patients are happier, more functional, and have more motion. There is also a lesser risk of neighboring joint degeneration because ankle motion is preserved. This means that there is a lesser risk of the rest of the foot deteriorating because of a fused ankle.
Have a look at the below study, which demonstrates this.
Can ankle arthritis be cured? Can arthritis be removed from ankle? How to cure arthritis in the ankle?
For all arthritis, there is no “cure”. No medication or surgery will give you the cartilage you had in your twenties. Nothing can reverse the deterioration of the joint. Non-operative treatments are aimed at decreasing pain and improving function. However, the arthritic process continues to progress. Surgery is aimed at eliminating or replacing the joint. This does not restore cartilage, but instead allows for the joint pain to be eliminated.
Can you get arthritis of your ankle?
Yes. See the FAQs above for more information.
Can arthritis cause swollen foot and ankles?
Yes. This is a very common symptom of ankle arthritis. You can get swelling in your ankle and in the foot.
Can a sprained ankle cause arthritis?
Most ankle sprains do not result in ankle arthritis. However, if the ligaments are severely torn due to injury, or there are recurring injuries, this can lead to ankle arthritis.
Can arthritis in knee cause swelling in ankle?
Yes. As the knee joint swells, it can cause pressure on the vessels in the back of the knee. This generates back pressure which causes ankle and foot swelling.
Can hip arthritis cause ankle pain?
This is very unlikely. There are most probably two separate issues.
Can knee arthritis cause ankle pain?
Typically knee arthritis does not cause ankle pain. Occasionally, in severe knee deformities, ankle pain results due to abnormal loading of the ankle.
Can rheumatoid arthritis affect your ankles? Can rheumatoid arthritis cause swollen ankles?
Yes. See the FAQs above for more information.
Is walking good for arthritis in the ankle? Is cycling good for ankle arthritis?
Generally, low impact exercise is considered helpful for arthritis related pain. This includes walking, cycling, swimming, etc. High impact exercise can exacerbate pain and cause progression of arthritis. This includes running, jumping, and repetitive impact-based exercises.
Is exercise good for ankle arthritis?
Generally, low impact exercise is considered helpful for arthritis related pain. This includes walking, cycling, swimming, etc. High impact exercise can exacerbate pain and cause progression of arthritis. This includes running, jumping, and repetitive impact-based exercises.
Can I run with ankle arthritis?
Yes. However, high impact activities, such as running, are more likely to exacerbate ankle arthritis.
What are the signs of arthritis in your ankles? What does arthritis in the ankle look like?
Pain on range of motion, swelling, and stiffness are the most common signs of ankle arthritis. You gait may be affected, causing a limp.
What are the symptoms of ankle arthritis? what does arthritis feel like in your ankle?
Pain at the ankle joint line with range of motion, walking, and weight bearing. The pain tends to be worse with acute activity and progresses slowly over years. Often the pain will come in exacerbations. These will become more frequent and severe.
Does cracking your ankle cause arthritis?
No. Most ankle cracking are tendons moving over one another. This does not result in arthritis of the ankles. Thus far, there have not been any convincing evidence that cracking any joint results in arthritis.
How to ease arthritis pain in ankle? how to get rid of arthritis in ankle? How to help ankle arthritis?
There are several non-operative ways to improve ankle pain. See the treatment FAQs above.
How to know if you have arthritis in your ankle?
A clinician must perform a history and examination of the ankle. Once this is done, confirmatory studies such as X-rays will be done. Once the work-up has been completed, we can determine the cause of ankle pain. There are several causes for ankle pain.
How to prevent arthritis in ankle?
Most ankle arthritis is caused by trauma (fractures), and thus are difficult of avoid. However, proper shoe wear, avoidance of high impact activity, avoiding of high-risk activities, and weight reduction, can all help reduce the risk of ankle arthritis.
Is ankle arthritis a disability?
Ankle arthritis can cause disabling pain and functional limitations.
What helps arthritis in ankles? What to do for arthritis in ankle?
See the treatment FAQ above for more information.
What is the best ankle support for arthritis?
A semi rigid AFO can help reduce pain in the ankle from arthritis. Rocker bottom shoes can also be helpful. You may also find a removable semi-rigid ankle brace useful for pain and stability. See one of our experts to get a prescription and orthotist recommendation.
What type of arthritis affects the ankles?
Most commonly, ankle arthritis is post-traumatic. See the above FAQs for more information.
Does ice help arthritis in ankle? Does elevation help with ankle arthritis? How to reduce swelling in ankles due to arthritis?
Yes. Especially if there is swelling. We recommended icing and elevation for 15 min while there is swelling. Try to do this as much as possible to help reduce symptom duration and frequency.
Can massage help ankle arthritis?
Some patients find pain relief with massage treatments. We recommend trying it if you are interested. See a reputable licensed provider.
Can physical therapy help ankle arthritis?
Yes. The goal of physical therapy is to help obtain and maintain range of motion of the ankle. A physical therapist will give you a home program. It is important to try and these home exercises every day. When you go to see the therapist, they will try to do those activities you cannot do on your own at home. This includes using modalities such as massage, TENS, shockwave, ultrasounds, and manipulations.
Can ankle arthritis cause leg pain? Can ankle arthritis cause shin pain?
Some patients report radiation of ankle arthritis pain into the leg or shin. However, most of the pain is typically prepared at the ankle joint line.
Can ankle replacement help arthritis?
Yes. See the treatment FAQs above for more information.
Can I feel arthritis in ankle malleolus?
Patients with arthritis of the medial or lateral malleolus will often complain of pain on that corresponding side.
Can I still play basketball with arthritis in my ankle?
Yes. However high impact activity such as this is likely to exacerbate arthritis pain.
Can knee arthritis cause pain in hip and ankle?
Knee arthritis pain tend so radiate distally, but the pain is rarely perceived in the ankle or in the hip. You may feel radiation of pain into the shit. Rare does it radiates to the ankle.
Can psoriasis arthritis affect the ankle?
Can rheumatoid arthritis affect the ankle?
Can treadmills cause ankles arthritis?
No. There is no evidence that this is the case. However, read all safety warnings when using any equipment. Improper use can result in injury.
What causes ankle arthritis? How do you get arthritis in your ankle?
In vast majority of patients (60-80%) ankle arthritis occurs secondary to injury. This can be a fracture of the ankle or an impact injury without fracture. The initial insult to ankle cartilage results in a slow deterioration of the joint. Over time this progressively results in worsening progressive arthritis. To a lesser extent, ankle arthritis can also be due to a patient’s natural history, infection, gout, or underlying medical conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis / hemophilia.
What is ankle arthritis?
Ankle arthritis involves inflammation and deterioration of the ankle joint cartilage. Ankle arthritis can cause a range of symptoms, including joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and a decreased range of motion. It can be a chronic condition and may impact a person’s quality of life.
What is arthritis?
Arthritis is a term that refers to inflammation of the joints. There are many types of arthritis, but the most common ones are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
- Osteoarthritis (OA): This is the most prevalent form of arthritis and occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of bones wears down over time. It commonly affects joints in the hands, knees, hips, and spine, leading to pain, stiffness, and reduced joint flexibility.
- Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): RA is an autoimmune disease where the immune system mistakenly attacks the synovium, the lining of the membranes that surround the joints. This can lead to inflammation, joint damage, and pain. RA often affects multiple joints and can also have systemic effects on other organs.
Arthritis can cause a range of symptoms, including joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and a decreased range of motion. It can be a chronic condition and may impact a person’s quality of life. Treatment options vary depending on the type of arthritis and may include medication, physical therapy, lifestyle changes, or in some cases, surgery.
It’s essential for individuals experiencing joint symptoms to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management plan.
Warning Signs You May Need Foot or Ankle Surgery
Do you have more questions?
What is an ankle fusion (arthrodesis procedure)? What is ankle arthrodesis? What is the definition of ankle arthrodesis?
An ankle fusion procedure, also known as ankle arthrodesis, is a surgical intervention aimed at stabilizing and immobilizing the ankle joint. This is typically done to alleviate pain and address severe arthritis, deformities, or instability within the ankle.
What is recovery like after an ankle fusion (arthrodesis)?
Once the surgery is complete, you are placed into a cast. The cast is required for minimum of 6 weeks. We will remove the sutures 2-3 weeks post op. You will have to remain non-weight bearing for minimum of 6 weeks. Once the cast is removed, we can start weight bearing and rehab. Often, we will transition you to a rigid removable boot, to start weight bearing. This will be weaned as you progress in physical therapy.
It will likely take 3 months before you feel that you can walk on the ankle comfortably. You may have a slight limp during this period. The fusion will continue to heal and remodel for over a year. Swelling will be present for at least 6 months. In some cases, swelling is present for over 18 month. It goes away eventually as you rehab.
What are the complications associated with ankle fusion (arthrodesis)?
While ankle arthrodesis (ankle fusion) is generally a successful procedure with good outcomes, as with any surgery, there are potential complications. Some of the possible complications associated with ankle arthrodesis include:
- Non-union: In some cases, the bones may not fuse properly, leading to a non-union. This may require additional surgical intervention.
- Mal-union: The bones may fuse in an undesirable position, causing malalignment. This can affect the function of the ankle joint and may require corrective surgery.
- Infection: As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection. This risk is minimized through sterile surgical techniques and postoperative care.
- Delayed Wound Healing: The incision site may take longer to heal than expected, especially in individuals with compromised healing abilities.
- Nerve or Blood Vessel Injury: There is a slight risk of damage to nearby nerves or blood vessels during surgery, which can lead to numbness, tingling, or circulation problems.
- Hardware Issues: If screws, plates, or rods are used to stabilize the joint, they may cause irritation or require removal if they cause discomfort.
- Joint Stiffness: Ankle fusion eliminates joint motion, which can lead to stiffness. This may impact the way a person walks and may increase stress on adjacent joints.
- Pain Persistence: While ankle fusion aims to alleviate pain, some individuals may experience persistent pain, either due to incomplete relief or complications.
It’s important for patients to discuss potential risks and complications with their orthopedic surgeon before deciding to undergo ankle arthrodesis. The decision to proceed with surgery should be based on a thorough understanding of the potential benefits and risks in the context of the individual’s specific condition.
What are the indications for ankle fusion (arthrodesis)?
Ankle arthrodesis, or ankle fusion, is typically considered when conservative treatments have failed, and the patient experiences persistent pain, instability, or deformity in the ankle joint. Common indications for ankle arthrodesis include:
- Severe Osteoarthritis: When conservative measures such as medications, physical therapy, and joint injections are no longer effective in managing pain and functional limitations caused by advanced osteoarthritis.
- Rheumatoid Arthritis: In cases of rheumatoid arthritis where the immune system attacks the synovium, leading to joint inflammation, pain, and deformity.
- Post-Traumatic Arthritis: Following a severe ankle injury, such as fractures or dislocations, that results in long-term joint damage and arthritis.
- Failed Ankle Joint Replacement: In situations where a previous ankle joint replacement has not been successful, ankle fusion may be considered as a salvage procedure.
- Ankle Instability: For cases of chronic ankle instability, where the ligaments supporting the joint are significantly damaged, and conservative measures are inadequate.
- Deformities: Ankle fusion may be recommended for individuals with deformities affecting the ankle joint, such as severe misalignment or joint malformation.
The decision to undergo ankle arthrodesis is based on a thorough evaluation by an orthopedic surgeon, considering the individual’s specific condition, symptoms, and the likelihood of success with the procedure. It’s important for patients to discuss their symptoms and treatment options with their healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate course of action.
How is an ankle fusion done? How does ankle fusion work?
In order to do an ankle fusion, we first make the decision to do it using a traditional open incision, or arthroscopically (though a camera). This depends mainly on how severe the arthritis is. In either case, we expose the joint and removed any residual cartilage. Bony ends of the talus and tibia are exposed. All debris is removed. We then Make perforations that facilitate healing. We then oppose the bony ends of the talus and tibia in a functional position. We use screws or plates to compress and hold this bony apposition. The incisions are closed.
After the procedure the ankle is casted, and you are kept non-weight bearing for a minimum of 6 weeks. After that point, we start the rehab process.
Is an ankle fusion the same as an ankle arthrodesis?
Yes. These are different names for the same procedure.
What is arthritis?
Arthritis is a term that refers to inflammation of the joints. There are many types of arthritis, but the most common ones are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
- Osteoarthritis (OA): This is the most prevalent form of arthritis and occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of bones wears down over time. It commonly affects joints in the hands, knees, hips, and spine, leading to pain, stiffness, and reduced joint flexibility.
- Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): RA is an autoimmune disease where the immune system mistakenly attacks the synovium, the lining of the membranes that surround the joints. This can lead to inflammation, joint damage, and pain. RA often affects multiple joints and can also have systemic effects on other organs.
Arthritis can cause a range of symptoms, including joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and a decreased range of motion. It can be a chronic condition and may impact a person’s quality of life. Treatment options vary depending on the type of arthritis and may include medication, physical therapy, lifestyle changes, or in some cases, surgery.
It’s essential for individuals experiencing joint symptoms to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management plan.
What is ankle arthritis?
Ankle arthritis involves inflammation and deterioration of the ankle joint cartilage. Ankle arthritis can cause a range of symptoms, including joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and a decreased range of motion. It can be a chronic condition and may impact a person’s quality of life.
What causes ankle arthritis? How do you get arthritis in your ankle?
In vast majority of patients (60-80%) ankle arthritis occurs secondary to injury. This can be a fracture of the ankle or an impact injury without fracture. The initial insult to ankle cartilage results in a slow deterioration of the joint. Over time this progressively results in worsening progressive arthritis. To a lesser extent, ankle arthritis can also be due to a patient’s natural history, infection, gout, or underlying medical conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis / hemophilia.
In many of these cases, an initial fracture/impaction injury results in uneven force dissipation across the ankle joint. This causes the ankle to be overloaded in certain area. After years of walking on this unevenly distributed joint, the cartilage starts to wear thin, and inflammation ensures.
Is ankle arthritis common? How common is ankle arthritis?
Ankle arthritis is less common that larger weight bearing joints such as the knee or hip. The incidence of ankle arthritis is approximately 30 per 100,000 people. Global approximation is roughly 1% of the population.
What does arthritis in ankle feel like?
Often patients will experience pain around ankle joint. This is most commonly with weight bearing, walking, or exercises. Swelling at the joint line is very common. Over time the joint will become stiff, and range of motion will be lost. If this goes on long enough, the alignment of the joint will change, and a progressive deformity will ensue. The natural history of all arthritis is to slowly and chronically progress, with worsening pain exacerbation episodes.
How do you diagnose ankle arthritis? how is ankle arthritis diagnosed?
A surgeon will obtain a thorough history and perform a physical examination. If there is a convincing clinical presentation, we will confirm our suspicion with X-rays and advanced imaging. Additional testing may be required.
Does ankle arthritis show up on X-ray?
Yes. Most of the time we are able to detect arthritis on X-rays. In the cases of very focal disease, or early arthritis, additional advanced imaging may be required (MRI / CT scans).
What does ankle arthritis look like on an X-ray?
Ankle arthritis will show up as narrowing of the joint space at the ankle joint line. There may also be formation of new bony spurs. In severe cases the ankle will start to drift medially or laterally, resulting in deformity.
What surgery is done for ankle arthritis?
Once all non-operative options have been exhausted, and you are no longer able to cope with ankle arthritis, surgical options are indicated. Continue reading for further information on how surgery can be helpful for treating ankle arthritis.
There are many surgical approaches to treating ankle arthritis. This depends on several factors. This can be patient factors such as underlying medical conditions, level of activity, goals of treatment, and expectations. Joint related factors also come into play. This includes how severe the arthritis is, whether there localized or global disease, severity of arthritis, presence of deformity, and involvement of surrounding soft tissue structures. Furthermore, concomitant foot deformity must also be considered.
Early ankle arthritis, that is well localized, in young active healthy patients, is amenable to debridement with ankle arthroscopy. This is a minimally invasive procedure where a camera is inserted into the joint, and areas of arthritis are debrided away. This can provide pain relief, more range of motion, and long-term symptom control for patients with early ankle arthritis. See the ankle arthroscopy section for more information regarding these options. Speak to one of our experts if you think you may be a candidate.
More extensive arthritis is typically treated with two main options: fusion (arthrodesis) or replacement (arthroplasty). Both options have their benefits and pitfalls. It is critical to have a discussion with your surgeon to determine which option is right for you.
Ankle fusion (arthrodesis) is considered the gold standard for cases of severe ankle arthritis. It has been the go-to procedure for decades. Here we expose the joint, remove any residual cartilage, and oppose the talus bone to the end of the tibia bone. These two bones heal to one another, forming one bony structure. Functionally the joint is eliminated. There is no motion across the joint anymore. However, there is also no pain.
Ankle replacement (arthroplasty) is a newer procedure that has been advancing quickly over the last 2 decades. Replacement surgery is much more involved than ankle fusion. It provides pain relief similar to fusion surgery. However, it allows us to maintain motion at the ankle joint. This is thought to prevent neighboring foot joints from deteriorating. The recovering and healing form this is more difficult.
Ask one of our experts if you are a candidate for one of these procedures.
How is ankle replacement done? How does ankle replacement work? What takes place in a total ankle replacement? What would constitute a total ankle replacement?
In order to perform an ankle replacement, we often will utilize advanced imaging and patient specific instruments. This requires a CT scan before the procedure. Custom cutting jigs will be 3D printed. These improve the location of bony cuts and reduce operative time.
We make an incision in the front of your ankle, avoiding nerves and vessels. We dissect down to the joint, preserving soft tissues. We apply and secure 3D printed custom cutting jigs. These are secured. We then cut the tibia and talus to accommodate metal implants. Once cuts are made, we remove excess bone and debris. We apply trial implants to ensure sizing and tension. Once we have determined the correct size implants, we place metal components in the tibia and talus. We then place a high-density polyethylene component.
At this stage we stress test the ligament structures. If there is ligament deficiency, we may perform a reconstruction acutely, or stage this to a later time. Similarly, if there is a foot deformity this may be addressed at the time of surgery or staged to a later time.
All incisions are closed, and a cast is applied. This can be present for 2-4 weeks. After this point, rehab is initiated.
What is recovery like after an ankle replacement (arthroplasty)?
Once the surgery is complete, you are placed into a cast. The cast is required for minimum of 2-4 weeks. We will remove the sutures 2-3 weeks post op. You will have to remain non-weight bearing for minimum of 2-4 weeks. Once the cast is removed, we can start weight bearing and rehab. Often, we will transition you to a rigid removable boot, to start weight bearing. This will be weaned as you progress in physical therapy.
It will likely take 3-4 months before you feel that you can walk on the ankle comfortably. The ankle replacement will continue to heal and remodel for over a year. Swelling will be present for at least 6 months. In some cases, swelling is present for over 18 months. It goes away eventually as you rehab.
What are the indications for ankle replacement (arthroplasty)?
Ankle arthroplasty, or ankle replacement, is typically considered when conservative treatments have failed, and the patient experiences persistent pain, instability, or deformity in the ankle joint. Common indications for ankle replacement (arthroplasty) include:
- Severe Osteoarthritis: When conservative measures such as medications, physical therapy, and joint injections are no longer effective in managing pain and functional limitations caused by advanced osteoarthritis.
- Rheumatoid Arthritis: In cases of rheumatoid arthritis where the immune system attacks the synovium, leading to joint inflammation, pain, and deformity.
- Post-Traumatic Arthritis: Following a severe ankle injury, such as fractures or dislocations, that results in long-term joint damage and arthritis.
- Failed Ankle Joint Replacement: In situations where a previous ankle joint replacement has not been successful, ankle revision replacement may be considered vs fusion salvage procedure.
- Ankle Instability: For cases of chronic ankle instability, where the ligaments supporting the joint are significantly damaged, and conservative measures are inadequate.
- Deformities: Ankle replacement may be recommended for individuals with deformities affecting the ankle joint, such as severe misalignment or joint malformation.
The decision to undergo ankle replacement is based on a thorough evaluation by an orthopedic surgeon, considering the individual’s specific condition, symptoms, and the likelihood of success with the procedure. It’s important for patients to discuss their symptoms and treatment options with their healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate course of action.
What are the complications associated with ankle replacement (arthroplasty)?
Ankle replacement surgery, also known as total ankle arthroplasty, is a procedure designed to relieve pain and restore function in the ankle joint affected by arthritis or other conditions. While it can be a successful intervention, like any surgery, ankle replacement comes with potential complications. Some of these complications include:
- Infection: Infection is a risk with any surgical procedure. In ankle replacement, infections can occur in the joint or surrounding tissues. Antibiotics and, in severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary to address infections.
- Implant Wear and Loosening: Over time, the artificial components of the ankle replacement may experience wear, leading to potential loosening. This can cause pain and instability and may require revision surgery.
- Blood Clot Formation: Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a risk after any surgery. Blood clots can form in the veins, potentially causing complications if they travel to the lungs (pulmonary embolism). Blood thinners and compression stockings are often used to reduce this risk.
- Nerve Damage: Injury to nerves during surgery may result in numbness, tingling, or weakness. While nerve injuries are uncommon, they can occur and may have varying degrees of impact on sensation and function.
- Delayed Wound Healing: Some individuals may experience delayed wound healing or wound complications, which may require additional medical attention.
- Joint Instability or Malalignment: Ankle replacement aims to restore joint stability, but there can be instances of instability or malalignment, affecting the overall function of the replaced joint.
- Allergic Reaction to Implants: In rare cases, patients may have an allergic reaction to the materials used in the implants.
- Functional Limitations: While ankle replacement is designed to improve joint function, some patients may experience limitations in range of motion or functionality, especially compared to a healthy, natural ankle joint.
It’s crucial for patients considering ankle replacement surgery to discuss potential risks and complications with their orthopedic surgeon. The decision to undergo surgery should be based on a thorough understanding of the benefits and risks, considering the individual’s specific condition and overall health.
How long are you non weight bearing after ankle replacement?
Typically, 2-4 weeks.
How long does it take to walk after ankle replacement?
Most patients start walking in a pneumatic boot approximately 2-4 weeks post op.
Will I limp after ankle replacement?
Your gait after an ankle replacement will be different, compared to pre op, or someone without arthritis. However, it is important to keep in mind, that most patients who undergo ankle replacement have severe ankle arthritis. They have stiffness in the ankle, and tend to walk with an alter gait / limp pre op. The goal of surgery is to try and eliminate this limp, however some patients may have a residual limp post op. Compared to an ankle fusion, ankle replacements have more normal gait, and less perceived limp.
Are total ankle replacements successful?
Ankle replacements boast a patient satisfaction rate of 80-90%. This is when it is done in an appropriate patient with the correct indications. Speak to one of our experts to see if you are a good candidate for replacement surgery.
How long does pain last after ankle replacement?
The pain of surgery is worst in the first few days. After this pain slowly improves. Most patients have little pain by 6 weeks. Swelling is typically the biggest hurdle and may exacerbate pain as you increase your activity. However, this settles over several months.
How limited is ankle movement after an ankle replacement?
When we replace the ankle joint, you lose some motion at that joint. However, our goal is to preserve as much motion as possible. Typically, motion that you have pre-op is maintained. Certainly, more motion is maintained as compared to an ankle fusion procedure.
How long does an ankle replacement take to heal?
The incision is well closed around 2-3 weeks post op. The bones/implants need approximately 6-8 weeks to in-grow. However, the bones will continue to remodel / heal for over a year. Patient factors can affect this healing time. Delays in healing time are seen in patients that have diabetes, smoke, are non-compliant with post op orders, have peripheral vascular disease, etc.
Does replacement of ankle include tenolysis? Is tenolysis of ankle included with ankle replacement?
Often when we perform an ankle replacement, we will mobilize tendons as a part of our approach. This allows us to safely move them out of the surgical field, so that they are at less risk of damage. In doing so, we also have a chance to remove adhesions within the tendon sheath, which is common in arthritis.
Is ankle replacement a disability?
Ankle replacement is a surgical procedure aimed at treated patients with ankle pathology. Typically, patients have disability pre-op due to pain/stiffness/instability/ and deformity. However, the goal is to eliminate this disability post operatively.
Is ankle replacement a major surgery?
Yes. Ankle replacement is a major surgery. It is associated with serious complications. The decision should not be taken lightly. Please discuss this further with our experts if you think you are a candidate for this surgery.
Can you run after ankle replacement?
Some patients are able to get back to running after an ankle replacement. However, it is designed more so, for low impact activity. As a result, some patients may no tolerate running after an ankle replacement.
Can ankle fusion be reversed?
No. However, in some rare instances, we can take down an ankle fusion and do an ankle replacement.
Can you have an ankle replacement after a fusion?
Yes. In some rare instances, we can take down an ankle fusion and do an ankle replacement. Talk to one of our experts if you think you are a candidate for this procedure.
Can you have ankle fusion after ankle replacement?
Yes. This is done often done when an ankle replacement wears down beyond revision replacement.
Can I drive after ankle replacement? How long after ankle replacement can I drive?
Yes. Once you have recovered and rehabbed enough to safely operate the pedal, you can drive. Typically, this is 6-8 weeks after surgery. However, you should always confirm with your doctor prior to taking this risk.
Can I walk normally after ankle replacement?
In order to eliminate ankle pain, we need to replacement the ankle joint. Patients will typically notice stark improvement of pain, at the cost of flexibility. The ankle is stiff before and after surgery. This means that you can typically walk, without pain. However, your gait may be slightly different. Some patients have a limp in the post operative period, but this resolves with time. Certainly, much more motion is maintained at the ankle joint, as compared to an ankle fusion surgery.
Can you wear heels after ankle replacement?
Typically, no. Some patients are able to do this. Most are not able to get back to wearing long heels.
Can you wear normal shoes after ankle replacement?
Do you have to wear special shoes after ankle replacement?
Typically, no. However, you may benefit from custom shoes if you have an underlying foot deformity.
How long do ankle replacement last?
Modern implants are showing much longer survival compared to older implants. Most patient will get 15-20+ years out of replacement surgery. 90% of patients are happy and functional at 10 years post op.
How long does an ankle replacement operation take?
Approximately 3-4h. Possibly longer if we also have to repair ligaments / correct deformity.
How much does an ankle replacement cost?
Most of the cost related to ankle replacement is covered by your insurance. Your out-of-pocket cost depends on your individual insurance plan. Speak to a member of our billing team to figure out details related to anticipated out-of-pocket expenses.
Can an ankle replacement result in plantar fasciitis?
Some patients can experience plantar fasciitis in the post operative period. This is usually in
patients with an element of plantar fasciitis prior to surgery. It tends to be exacerbated by casts
and pneumatic boots.
Can I dance after ankle replacement?
Can I go upstairs after ankle replacement?
Can I hike with ankle replacement?
Can I work construction after an ankle replacement?
Typically, yes. There may be other foot conditions that limit your ability to perform hard manual
labor after this type of surgery. But in isolation, after rehab, you should be able to return to
Can they do ankle replacement on both feet? Can I get bilateral ankle replacement at the same time?
This is not recommended. We will usually recommend that you have one side at a time. This will
allow you to rehab using the non-operative leg. Initially, you cannot put weight on the operative
side; thus, you need a leg to stand on. Otherwise, you will have very limited mobility for a few
months. Furthermore, bilateral surgery increases the risk of blood clots, falls, secondary trauma,
Can you ice skate after recovering from an ankle replacement?
Yes. Although, many people have problems getting into skates. We recommend back or front-
loading ice skates (similar to ski boots) for skating.
Can you squat after an ankle replacement?
Can you ride a bike after ankle replacement?
Yes. In fact, it is encouraged.
Do they scrap out arthritis in ankle replacement?
Yes. We removed residual cartilage, cartilage flaps, hard subchondral bone, and loose debris.
Do you need physical therapy after ankle replacement?
Vast majority of the time, yes.
Do bone stimulators work for ankle replacements?
There is a theoretical advantage to using a bone stimulator after replacement surgery. However,
most clinical studies do not show an advantage in the real world. We typically will utilize this
modality if healing is slow or delayed.
Do you need prescription rocker bottom shoes for ankle arthritis?
You can get a prescription, but there are over the counter options as well.
Does ankle replacement affect driving?
Most patients are still able to drive. Arthritis causes less ankle flexion/extension. As a result,
most people use more of their leg muscle to accelerate and brake. However, ankle replacement
maintains ankle motion, compared to an ankle fusion. Thus, you will drive more normally with a
replacement, as opposed to a fusion surgery. Regardless, some re-training will be required.
Does ankle replacement limit mobility?
Most patient will have improved mobility, as they no longer are limited by debilitating ankle
Does ankle replacement take all the pain away?
This is the goal. Most patients have complete resolution of pain at the ankle. However, there is a
risk of residual pain with this surgery. Majority of these patients (with residual pain), the pain
they experience is vastly better than their arthritic pain.
Can ankle replacement be done as out patient surgery?
In some cases. Since this is a larger procedure, we will typically do it at a hospital. There is a
good chance you may go home the same day. However, it is not atypical for patients to stay one
What is arthritis?
Arthritis is a term that refers to inflammation of the joints. There are many types of arthritis, but the most common ones are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
- Osteoarthritis (OA): This is the most prevalent form of arthritis and occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of bones wears down over time. It commonly affects joints in the hands, knees, hips, and spine, leading to pain, stiffness, and reduced joint flexibility.
- Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): RA is an autoimmune disease where the immune system mistakenly attacks the synovium, the lining of the membranes that surround the joints. This can lead to inflammation, joint damage, and pain. RA often affects multiple joints and can also have systemic effects on other organs.
Arthritis can cause a range of symptoms, including joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and a decreased range of motion. It can be a chronic condition and may impact a person’s quality of life. Treatment options vary depending on the type of arthritis and may include medication, physical therapy, lifestyle changes, or in some cases, surgery.
It’s essential for individuals experiencing joint symptoms to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management plan.
What is ankle arthritis?
Ankle arthritis involves inflammation and deterioration of the ankle joint cartilage. Ankle arthritis can cause a range of symptoms, including joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and a decreased range of motion. It can be a chronic condition and may impact a person’s quality of life.
What causes ankle arthritis? How do you get arthritis in your ankle?
In vast majority of patients (60-80%) ankle arthritis occurs secondary to injury. This can be a fracture of the ankle or an impact injury without fracture. The initial insult to ankle cartilage results in a slow deterioration of the joint. Over time this progressively results in worsening progressive arthritis. To a lesser extent, ankle arthritis can also be due to a patient’s natural history, infection, gout, or underlying medical conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis / hemophilia.
In many of these cases, an initial fracture/impaction injury results in uneven force dissipation across the ankle joint. This causes the ankle to be overloaded in certain area. After years of walking on this unevenly distributed joint, the cartilage starts to wear thin, and inflammation ensures.
How long are you non weight bearing after ankle fusion?
Typically, 6-8 weeks.
How long does it take to walk after ankle fusion?
Most patients start walking in a pneumatic boot approximately 6 weeks post op.
Will I limp after ankle fusion?
Your gait after an ankle fusion will be different compared to pre op, or someone without arthritis. However, it is important to keep in mind, that most patient who undergo ankle fusions have severe ankle arthritis. They have stiffness in the ankle, and tend to walk with an alter gait / limp pre op. The goal of surgery is to try and eliminate this limp, however some patients may have a residual limp post op.
How long does pain last after ankle fusion?
The pain of surgery is worst in the first few days. After this pain slowly improves. Most patients have little pain by 6 weeks. Swelling is typically the biggest hurdle and may exacerbate pain as you increase your activity. However, this settles over several months.
How limited is ankle movement after a ankle arthrodesis?
When we fuse the ankle joint, you lose all motion at that joint. However, you are still able to flex and extend your foot through the midfoot joint. You lose approximately 50-60% of the flexion/extension motion through the ankle/midfoot. Most patients will notice stiffness in the foot / ankle after the procedure. There will be adaptations in your gait and day to day activities, as you rehab.
How long does an ankle arthrodesis take to heal?How long does an ankle arthrodesis take to heal?
The incision is well closed around 2-3 weeks post op. The bones are typically united 6-8 weeks post op. However, the bones will continue to remodel / heal for over a year. Patient factors can affect this healing time. Delays in healing time are seen in patients that have diabetes, smoke, are non-compliant with post op orders, have peripheral vascular disease, etc.
Does arthrodesis of ankle include tenolysis? Is tenolysis of ankle included with ankle arthrodesis?
Often when we perform an ankle arthrodesis, we will mobilize tendons as a part of our approach. This allows us to safely move them out of the surgical field, so that they are at less risk of damage. In doing so, we also have a chance to remove adhesions within the tendon sheath, which is common in arthritis.
What is arthroscopic ankle arthrodesis?
The main procedure is the same. However, in some cases, we can use a minimally invasive technique to minimize the risk associated with surgery. There we make small incisions and use cameras to perform our work inside the joint. The cartilage and joint preparation can be done this way. The remainder of the procedure is the same. Ask one of our experts if you are a candidate for this procedure.
A triple arthrodesis involves fusion of which joints?
This is a commonly asked question. This is not typically done for ankle arthritis, as the joint involved in a triple arthrodesis do not involve the ankle. These are the sub-talar, talonavicular, and calcaneocuboid joints. Most commonly we perform this for arthritis secondary to foot deformity.
Is ankle fusion a disability?
Ankle fusion is a surgical procedure aimed at treated patients with ankle pathology. Typically, patients have disability pre-op due to pain/stiffness/instability/ and deformity. However, the goal is to eliminate this disability post operatively.
Is ankle fusion a major surgery?
Ankle fusion is considered and intermediate risk surgery. It is more involved than bunion surgery, but less major than replacement surgeries.
Can you run after ankle fusion?
Some patients are able to get back to running after an ankle fusion. However, the neighboring foot joints are at higher risk of deterioration after an ankle fusion. They seem much more force with impact activity. As a result, some patients may no tolerate running after an ankle fusion.
Can ankle fusion be reversed?
No. However, in some rare instances, we can take down an ankle fusion and do a ankle replacement.
Can you have an ankle replacement after a fusion?
Yes. In some rare instances, we can take down an ankle fusion and do a ankle replacement. Talk to one of our experts if you think you are a candidate for this procedure.
Can you have ankle fusion after ankle replacement?
Yes. This is done often done when an ankle replacement wears down beyond revision replacement.
Can I drive after ankle fusion? How long after ankle fusion can I drive?
Yes. Once you have recovered and rehabbed enough to safely operate the pedal, you can drive. Typically, this is 6-8 weeks after surgery. However, you should always confirm with your doctor prior to taking this risk.
Can I walk normally after ankle fusion?
In order to eliminate ankle pain, we need to unite the bones that make your ankle joint. Patient will typically notice stark improvement of pain, at the cost of flexibility. The ankle is stiff after. This means that you can typically walk, without pain. However, your gait may be slightly different. Some patients have a limp in the post operative period, but this resolves with time.
Can you wear heels after ankle fusion?
Typically, no.
Can you wear normal shoes after ankle fusion?
Do you have to wear special shoes after ankle fusion?
Typically, no. However, you may benefit from custom shoes if you have an underlying foot deformity.
How long do ankle fusions last?
In most cases, an ankle fusion lasts the remainder of your life. However, many patients have other foot issues, which may require surgery later in life.
How long does an ankle fusion operation take?
Approximately 2-4h.
How much does an ankle fusion cost?
Most of the cost related to ankle fusion is covered by your insurance. Your out-of-pocket cost depends on your individual insurance plan. Speak to a member of our billing team to figure out details related to anticipated out-of-pocket expenses.
Is ankle replacement better than ankle fusion? Which surgery is better for ankle arthritis?
This is a difficult and complex question. For many decades, there have been similar outcomes in terms of post operative pain, function, and satisfaction when comparing ankle replacement to ankle fusion. Both offer similar pain relief and function. However, ankle replacements preserve motion. Additional, ankle replacements are high risk surgeries. There is higher risk of complications such as infection, fracture, nerve / vessel injury, and requirement for further surgery in the future.
Historically, ankle fusions were the surgery of choice for vast majority of patients. However, as ankle replacement implants evolve, there is a paradigm shift. We are starting to see better outcomes for replacement patients compared to fusion. Patients are happier, more functional, and have more motion. There is also a lesser risk of neighboring joint degeneration because ankle motion is preserved. This means that there is a lesser risk of the rest of the foot deteriorating because of a fused ankle.
Have a look at the below study, which demonstrates this.
Can an ankle fusion cause peroneal nerve damage?
Yes, however this is a very rare complication.
Can an ankle fusion result in plantar fasciitis?
Some patients can experience plantar fasciitis in the post operative period. This is usually in patients with an element of plantar fasciitis prior to surgery. It tends to be exacerbated by casts and pneumatic boots.
Can I dance after ankle fusion?
Can I go upstairs after ankle fusion?
Can I hike with ankle fusion?
Can I work construction after an ankle fusion?
Typically, yes. There may be other foot conditions that limit your ability to perform hard manual labor after this type of surgery. But in isolation, after rehab, you should be able to return to construction.
Can they do ankle fusion on both feet? Can I get bilateral ankle fusions at the same time?
This is not recommended. We will usually recommend that you have one side at a time. This will allow you to rehab using the un-operative leg. You cannot put weight on the operative side; thus, you need a leg to stand on. Otherwise, you will have very limited mobility for a few months. Furthermore, bilateral surgery increases the risk of blood clots, falls, secondary trauma, etc.
Can you ice skate after recovering from an ankle fusion?
Yes. Although, many people have problems getting into skates. We recommend back or front-loading ice skates (similar to ski boots) for skating.
Can you squat after an ankle fusion?
Can you ride a bike after ankle fusion?
Do they scrap out arthritis in ankle fusion?
Yes. We removed residual cartilage, cartilage flaps, hard subchondral bone, and loose debris.
Do you need physical therapy after ankle fusion?
Vast majority of the time, yes.
Do bone stimulators work for ankle fusions?
There is a theoretical advantage to using a bone stimulator after fusion surgery. However, most clinical studies do not show an advantage in the real world. We typically will utilize this modality if healing is slow or delayed.
Do you need prescription rocker bottom shoes for ankle fusion?
You can get a prescription, but there are over the counter options as well.
Does ankle fusion affect driving?
Most patients are still able to drive. There is less ankle flexion/extension. As a result, most people use more of their leg muscle to accelerate and brake. It does take some slight re-training.
Does ankle fusion limit mobility?
Most patient will have improved mobility, as they no longer are limited by debilitating ankle pain.
Does ankle fusion take all the pain away?
This is the goal. Most patients have complete resolution of pain at the ankle. However, there is a risk of residual pain with this surgery. Majority of these patients (with residual pain), the pain they experience is vastly better than their arthritic pain.
Can ankle fusions be done as out patient surgery?
In some cases. Since this is a larger procedure, we will typically do it at a hospital. There is a good chance you may go home the same day. However, it is not atypical for patients to stay one night.

Dr. Mo Athar