Sports Medicine Case Studies
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Case Studies Sports Medicine
- Management of Adhesive Capsulitis of the Left Shoulder in a 55-year-old Male
- Medial Meniscal Repair and Chondroplasty of the Right Knee in a 50-year-old male
- Left Total Hip Replacement in a 50-year-old female with Avascular Necrosis of the Left Hip
- Management of Medial Meniscal Tear and Patellar Osteochondral Damage in a 60-year-old Female
- Arthroscopic Lateral Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty of the Left Knee in 47-year-old Female
- Management of Distal Bicep Rupture in a 38-year-old Female with Tenodesis Button and Screw
- Management of 55-year-old Female with Left Knee Quadriceps Tear, Lateral Meniscus Tear, and Partial ACL Tear
- Meniscal Repair Of The Medial Meniscus, Partial Meniscectomy Of The Lateral Meniscus And Microfracture Of The Right Knee
- Management of Ramp Lesion of the Medial Meniscus with ACL Deficient Left Knee in a 30-year-old Female
- Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction and Chondroplasty of the Left Knee in a 30-year-old Female
- Arthroscopic Meniscectomy And Chondroplasty Of The Left Knee In A 63-Year-Old Female
- Management of a 60-year-old Male with Right Rotator Cuff Tear and Acromioclavicular Joint Arthritis
- Medial Patellofemoral Ligament (MPFL) Reconstruction, Lateral meniscectomy and Chondroplasty of the Left Knee
- Partial medial meniscectomy and patellofemoral and medial tibiofemoral compartment chondroplasty in a 62-year-old Male
- Management Of Bucket Handle Medial Meniscus Tear Of The Right Knee In A Young Female
- Management of shoulder impingement syndrome with AC arthritis in a 55-year-old female
- Management of Acromioclavicular Joint Arthritis and Biceps Tear in a 48-year-old Female
- Management of 55-year-old Female with Medial Meniscus Tear of the Left Knee
- ACL Reconstruction using Quad Tendon Autograft and Meniscus Repair in a 25-year-old Female
- Management of the 52-year-old Female with Rotator Cuff Tear and Glenohumeral Arthritis
- Management of Tendoachilles Rupture in a 35-year-old BasketBall Player
- Management of Rotator Cuff Tear and AC Joint Arthritis in a 48-year-old Female
- Management of a 35-year-old Female with a Tear of the Long Head of Biceps
- Management of Patellar Tendon Rupture in a 70-year-old Male
- Management of a Distal Radius Fracture in a 24-year-old Female
- Management of Fracture Dislocation of the Glenohumeral Joint and Comminuted Fracture of the Shaft of Humerus
- Management of ACL Tear and Meniscal Injury in a 30-year-old Female
- Lateral Meniscectomy, Chondroplasty, and Lateral femoral condyle subchondroplasty in 54-year-male with Meniscal Tear and Subchondral Insufficiency Fracture
- Management of Distal Radius Fracture in a 55-year-old Male
- Management of Three-Part Fracture of the Left Proximal Humerus
- ACL reconstruction using Quadriceps Tendon Autograft in a 38 yr old female
- Meniscectomy in a 56 year old Male
- Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of the Distal Fibula in a 51-year-old patient
- Right Knee Arthroscopic Chondroplasty in a 31-year-old male
- Right Knee Arthroscopic Lateral Release in a 36-year-old patient
- Distal Radius Plating performed to a 77-year-old female patient
- Close reduction and internal fixation with bone-nail fixation unit x 2 Biomet in a 44-year-old male
- Arthroscopic Debridement, Decompression and Acromioplasty of left shoulder performed to 38-year-old female patient Iinvolved in Automobile Accident
- Knee Arthroscopy: Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy performed to 40-year-old female patient
- Knee Arthroscopy: Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy, Cyclops Excision and Chondroplasty performed to 61-year-old male patient
- Knee Arthroscopic: Lateral Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty of the Patella and Medial Femoral Condyle in a 34-year-old female
- Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty in a 59-year-old female
- Shoulder Arthroscopy in a 65-year-old female
- Knee Arthroscopy: Patellofemoral Chondroplasty and Partial Medial Meniscectomy in a 53-year-old male involved in an automobile accident
- Shoulder Arthroscopy in a 65-year-old female
- Rotator Cuff Repair, Debridement, Subacromial Decompression and Acromioplasty of the Left Shoulder in a 53-year-old male involved in an automobile accident
- Knee Arthroscopy: Arthroscopic Chondroplasty of the Patella and Medial Femoral Condyle in a 29-year-old male
- Meniscectomy, Chondroplasty, Patella fixation in a 35-year-old male
- Meniscal Repair of the Medial Meniscus on the left knee of a 25-year-old male
- Lateral and Medial Meniscectomy performed to a 50-year-old female patient with no reports of injury
- Knee Arthroscopy: Meniscal Repair of the Medial Meniscus in a 27-year-old male
- Debridement, Subacromial Decompression and Acromioplasty with Distal Clavicle Excision of the Left Shoulder to a 49-year-old male patient involved in automobile accident
- Knee Arthroscopy: Patellofemoral Chondroplasty and Partial Medial Meniscectomy in a 72-year-old female
- Arthroscopic Debridement, Decompression, Acromioplasty and Distal Clavicle Excision of the left shoulder
- Knee Arthroscopy: Partial Lateral Meniscectomy, Chondroplasty, ACL Debridement and Open Repair of the Quadriceps in a 50-year old Karate instructor
- Meniscal root repair in a 53-year-old female
- Open Repair of the Distal Biceps using Arthrex Tenodesis Button and Tenodesis Screw performed to a 41-year-old male compounder
- Knee Arthroscopy: Lateral Meniscectomy Chondroplasty in a 39-year-old male
- Right Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscectomy, Lateral Meniscectomy, and Chondroplasty in a 61 year old female
- Knee Arthroscopy: Repair of the Lateral Meniscus, Chondroplasty of Patella and Lateral Femoral Condyle in a 30-year-old Man
- Knee Arthroscopy: Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy to a 50 year-old male railroad worker
- Patellar Tendon Repair Performed to 61-year-old male patient
- Medial Meniscectomy Repair for 26 year old male patient twisted knee
- Knee Arthroscopy: Partial Medial Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty in a 51-year old female
- Basic Operative Knee: Arthroscopic partial Medial Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty
- Partial Medial Meniscectomy and Microfracture Surgery of Patella left knee performed to a 58-year old female patient
- Distal radius plating performed to a 54-year old female with complaint of wrist pain
- Implant nail removal performed to a 87-year old female after experiencing pain
- Arthroscopy performed for Labral Tear of the left shoulder of teen male student
- Stryker VariAx System for displaced fracture clavicle of a 20-year old male patient
- Medial Meniscus Repair performed to 45-year old female
- Torn Meniscus due to Aging: Medial Meniscus Repair and Chondroplasty
- Lateral Meniscectomy in a 28 year-old male
- Knee Arthroscopy: Meniscectomy including Chondroplasty of the right knee in a 50 year-old male patient
- Knee Arthroscopy: Patellofemoral Chondroplasty and Partial Medial Meniscectomy for 28 year-old male athlete
- Kocher’s Approach for Radial Head Fracture Fixation for a 26 year-old right-hand dominant male
- Medial meniscus repair and Patellofemoral chondroplasty in a 33 year-old male
- Medial Meniscus repair performed for Meniscal Cyst found from a 32 year-old male patient
- Knee Arthroscopy: Patellofemoral Chondroplasty and Partial Medial Meniscectomy in a 45 year-old male
- A 65 year-old female underwent Arthroscopic Rotator Cut Repair, Acromioplasty, and Extensive Debridement
- Medial Meniscectomy on the left knee and Chondroplasty of the medial femoral condyle in a 76 year-old male
- Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscectomy with Femoral Chondroplasty in a 60 year-old guy
- Right shoulder Arthroscopic Extensive Debridement of Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus and Subscapularis, Glenoid Labrum and Subacromial Decompression performed to a handball player
- Right Knee Arthroscopic Medial Meniscectomy with Abrasion and Microfracture Chondroplasty
- Achilles Tendon Repair using PARS in a 35 year-old man
- Arthroscopic lavage and drainage of the left knee with septic arthritis in a 88 year-old man
- Knee Arthroscopic: Medial Meniscectomy in a 68 year-old male
- Left Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Debridement and Subacromial Bursectomy in a 47 year-old patient
- Knee Arthroscopy: The Tear of Medial Meniscus of knee in a 46 year-old female
- Shoulder Arthroscopy with Rotator Cuff Repair in a 42 year-old guy
- Shoulder Arthroscopy with Rotator Cuff Repair (Speed Bridge), Acromioplasty, Distal Clavicle Excision, Biceps Tenodesis in a 54 year-old female
- Right Shoulder Arthroscopy: Debridement of the Rotator Cuff Articular Side in a 25 year-old patient
- Knee Arthroscopy: Pain in right knee Chondroplasty in a 40 year-old male
- Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscectomy with Patellofemoral Chondroplasty in a 59 year-old female
- Knee Arthroscopy: Medial and Lateral Meniscal Repair in a 21 year-old female
- Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of the Left Clavicle in a 30 year-old patient
- Right Knee Arthroscopy: Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy in a 57 year-old patient
- Right Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair and Distal Clavicular Excision in a 50 year-old patient
- Left Knee Arthroscopy: Chondroplasty and Microfracture in a 30 year-old patient
- Left Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscus Root Repair and Lateral Meniscectomy in a 57 year-old Patient
- Rotator Cuff Repair and Acromial Spurring in a 47 year-old patient
- Right Knee Arthroscopic Excision in a 47-year-old patient
- Wrist Surgery: ORIF Distal Radius and Stryker in a 53 year-old female
- Right Knee Arthroscopic: Medial Meniscectomy and Plica Excision in a 63 year-old patient
- Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Right Distal Radius in a 58 year-old patient
- Right Knee Arthroscopy: Lateral Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty in a 34 year-old patient
- Right Shoulder Arthroscopy in a 40 year-old patient
- Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of the right distal radius with plating in a 38 year-old patient
- Knee Arthroscopic ACL with Knee Arthroscopic Lateral Meniscus Repair
- ACL, Arthroscopic Assisted Reconstruction with Autograft in A 38 year-old guy
- Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Distal Fibula in a 65 year-old patient
- Knee Arthroscopic: Medial Meniscus Root Repair, Lateral Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty in a 66 year-old patient
- Knee Surgery: Medial Meniscus in a 68 year-old female
- Open Reduction and Internal Fixation and Repair of the Lateral Ulnar Collateral Ligament of the elbow in a 28 year-old patient
- Arthroscopy: Tear of Medial Meniscus of Knee in a 48 year-old female
- Right Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscus Root Repair and Chondroplasty in a 59 year-old patient
- Left Knee Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction in a 21 year-old patient
- Knee Arthroscopic: Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty in a 48 year-old male
- Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair, Acromioplasty and Subacromial Decompression, and Distal Clavicular Excision in a 65 year-old patient
- Distal Biceps Repair in a 52 year-old patient
- Knee Surgery: Medial Menisctomy and Chondroplasty
- Tendo-Achilles Repair of the Left ankle in a 46 year-old patient
- Knee Arthroscopy: Lateral Meniscectomy, Lateral Femoral Condyle and Trochlear Chondroplasty in a 44 year-old patient
- Left Patellar Fracture Revision, Open Reduction and Internal Fixation with Tension Band in a 68 year-old patient
- Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscectomy and Abrasion Chondroplasty in a 61 year-old patient
- Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear of the Right Knee in a 51 year-old patient
- Right Knee Arthroscopic Medial Meniscectomy in a 48 year-old patient
- Knee Arthroscopy: Lateral Meniscectomy with Chondroplasty in a 35 year-old male
- Open Reduction Internal Fixation, Distal Radius in a 27 year-old female
- Arthroscopy: RCR and Subacromial Decompression of the Shoulder in a 53 year-old male
- Left Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair and Distal Clavicle Excision in a 55 year-old patient
- Shoulder Arthroscopy: With RCR, Acromioplasty, Distal Clavicle Excision in a 53 year-old female
- Knee Arthroscopic Meniscectomy, Microfracture Chondroplasty and Arthroscopic Assisted Tibial Plateau Fixation with Calcium Phosphate Cement (Subchondroplasty)
- Medial Meniscectomy, PF Chondroplasty and Cortisone Injection in a 57 year-old woman
- Left Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscectomy and Abrasion Chondroplasty in a 51 year-old patient
- Knee Arthroscopy: Tear of Medial Meniscus with Chondroplasty in a 44 year-old male
- Open Reduction Internal Fixation: Closed Fracture of Patella in a 73 year-old woman
- Open Reduction Internal Fixation: Distal Radius in a 49 year-old male
- Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscal Repair with the use of Semitendinosus Allograft and Medial Femoral Condyle in a 30 year-old male
- Shoulder Arthroscopic: Rotator Cuff Repair, Subacromial Decompression and Acromioplasty, Distal Clavicle Excision, Mini Open Subpectoral Biceps Tenodesis
- Left Shoulder Rotator Cuff Repair in a 29 year-old patient
- ACL, Arthroscopic Assisted Reconstruction with Autograft in a 59 year-old female
- ACL, Arthroscopic Assisted Reconstruction with Autograft in a 33 year-old male
- Knee Arthroscopic: Lateral Meniscus Tear Repair in a 29 year-old female
- ACL, Arthroscopic Assisted Reconstruction with Autograft in a 33 year-old female
- Right Shoulder Extensive Debridement in a 40 year-old patient
- ORIF: Distal Radius Using Stryker Plate and Screw with Distal Radioulnar Fixation using Crossed Radioulnar K-Wire in a 63 year-old female
- Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscectomy with Bone Biopsy and Debridement in a 28-year-old female
- Knee Arthroscopy: ACL Repair with Medial Meniscectomy in a 32 year-old male
- Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair, Acromioplasty and Distal Clavicular Excision in a 45 year-old patient
- Knee Arthroscopic: Lateral Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty in a 47-year-old female
- Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair with the Use of Regeneten Implant in a 51 year-old female
- Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Menisectomy and Chondroplasty in a 65 year-old male
- Open Reduction Internal Fixation: Intra-Articular Proximal Phalanx Fracture of the Distal Head in a 22 year-old male
- Left Knee arthrotomy and implantation of cultured autologous chondrocytes on porcine membrane (MACI) in a 47 year-old patient
- Knee Arthroscopy: Abrasion Chondroplasty with Measurements of the Osteochondral Defect and Arthrotomy and Implantation of Cultured Autologous Chondrocytes on Porcine Membrane (MACI) in a 47 year-old female
- Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscal Repair in a 54 year-old female
- Open Reduction Internal Fixation of Distal Radius Surgery
- Rotator Cuff Repair Performed to a 66 year-old male patient involved in MVA
- Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair in a 42 year-old female
- Knee Arthroscopy: Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy with Chondroplasty Microfracture and Debridement of ACL in a 34 year-old male
- Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscectomy Chondroplasty in a 65 year-old female
- ACL Reconstruction performed to injured kickball player
- Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair in a 18 year-old female
- Lateral Meniscectomy performed to 24 year-old female patient who had previously knee surgery
- Repair of the Lateral Meniscus of the left knee with a use of all inside, inside out and outside in sutures
- Shoulder Arthroscopy with Rotator Cuff Repair using Labral Tape and Suture anchor in a 29 year-old girl
- Repair of the Lateral Meniscus of the left knee with a use of all inside, inside out and outside in sutures
- Shoulder Arthroscopy with Slap Lesion Repair
- Knee Arthroscopic Lateral Meniscus and Microfracture Chondroplasty
- Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Debridement with Acromioplasty and Distal Clavicle Excision in a 31 year-old male
- Knee Arthroscopy with Synovectomy Surgery performed to 36 year-old male patient
- Left Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair, Acromioplasty, Distal Clavicular Excision, and Limited Debridement in a 46 year-old patient
- Shoulder Arthroscopy with Biceps Tenodesis in a 56 year-old male
- Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of the Distal Radius in a 69 year-old patient
- Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair with the Use of Medical Rotation Implant and Acromioplasty in a 22 year-old male
- ORIF: Lateral Malleolus Plate and Interfragmentary Screw, Medial Malleolus Screws using Fluoroscopy in a 60 year-old male
- Knee Arthroscopy with Medial Meniscectomy in a 60 year-old female
- Rotator Cuff Repair performed to Bilateral shoulders to a patient who consistently experience pain for 4 years
- ORIF: Lateral Malleolus using Distal Fibula Plate and Interfragmentary screws in a 24 year-old male
- Right Knee Arthroscopy: Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy in a 55 year-old patient
- Right Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair in a 68 year-old patient
- Repair of the Superficial Layer of the Triceps in a 44-year-old patient
- Right Total Hip Arthroplasty in a 45 year-old patient
- Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair using smith and nephew in a 43 year-old female
- Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscectomy and Medial Femoral Chondroplasty in a 38 year-old patient
- Knee Arthroscopy: Partial Medial or Lateral Meniscectomy in a 40 year-old female
- ORIF: Displaced Lateral Malleolus Fracture of the left ankle in a 78 year-old male
- Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair in a 73 year-old man
- Right Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Tear, Distal Clavicle Excision, Acromioplasty, Debridement of Subscapularis and Glenoid Labrum, and Mini Open Biceps Tenodesis in a 70 year-old patient
- Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty in a 55 year-old man
- Knee Arthroscopy: Medial Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty in a 53-year-old Female
- Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair, Acromioplasty and Subacromial Decompression, and Distal Clavicle Excision in a 43 year-old patient
- Knee Arthroscopy ACL Construction using Quad Tendon Autograft performed to a twisted knee
- Open Repair of Tendon-Achilles Tendon using Fiber Tape and SwiveLock in a 32 year-old male
- Left Knee Arthroscopic ACL reconstruction using quad tendon autograft in a 26 year-old patient
- Right Shoulder Arthroscopic Extensive Debridement with Rotator Cuff Articular Side, Glenoid Labrum and Subacromial Compression, Acromioplasty, Distal Clavicle Excision and Biceps Tenodesis
- Elbow Bursectomy: Right Olecranon in a 65-year-old male
- Fluoroscopic Technique: Open Reduction and Internal Fixation using Plate and Screws in a 59 year-old male
- Right shoulder Rotator Cuff Repair, Acromioplasty, Distal Clavicle Excision and biceps tenodesis
- Osteophyte of Elbow Bone removed to a 36 year-old male
- Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair using Regenstein Implant with Subacromial Decompression and Acromioplasty Distal Clavicle Excision in a 42 year-old male
- Knee Arthroscopy ACL Construction to a 55 year-old who accidentally twisted his knee while walking
- Shoulder Debridement and Mini-Open Biceps Tenodesis performed to a 43 year-old male patient
- Left Proximal Humerus Fixation done to 59 year-old male patient
- Distal Radius Fracture Extra-articular of the right side in a 71 year-old patient
- Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy with Medial Meniscus Root Repair and Abrasion Chondroplasty performed to 63 year-old female patient
- Open Reduction Internal Fixation of Distal Radius using 8-hole Distal Radial Plate and combination of locking and nonlocking screws in a 64 year-old patient
- Knee Arthroscopy: ACL Reconstruction using Quadriceps Autograft with Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty in 20 year-old young male
- Knee Arthroscopy: Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy with Microfracture in a 63 year-old female
- Knee Arthroscopy: ACL Repair using Fiber Link, Internal Brace and Tight Rope with Distal Fixation using SwiveLock and Chondroplasty in a 51 year-old female
- Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair with Acromioplasty and Subacromial Decompression in a 61 year-old female
- Left Shoulder Rotator Cuff Repair, Distal Clavicle Excision, Labral Debridement, and Chondroplasty Glenoid performed to male foreman worker
- Left Knee Arthroscopic Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy to 28 year-old Male Involved in a car accident
- Knee Arthroscopic: Lateral Meniscus Tear and Medial Meniscus Tear of the right knee in a 68 year-old patient
- Knee Arthroscopy: Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty performed to 56 year old female patient
- Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Radius and Ulna performed to 38 year-old male patient involved in a vehicle accident
- Distal Radius Fixation with Trans RU Wire performed to 16 year-old male patient
- Medial and Lateral Meniscus Repair and ACL Reconstruction performed to male athlete patient
- Rotator Cuff Repair, Debridement, Subacromial Decompression and Acromioplasty of the left shoulder in a 56 year-old male patient
- Partial Lateral Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty of Patella and Trochlea performed to 49 year-old patient
- Closed Reduction and Internal Fixation of the Fifth Metacarpal performed to 24 year-old male plumber
- Elbow Bursectomy: Right Olecranon in a 74 year-old female
- Displaced Lateral Malleolus Fracture of the right ankle because of fall injury
- Knee Arthroscopy Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy performed to male patient involved in a motor vehicle accident
- Trimalleolar Fracture of the Left Ankle to a 33 year-old male oatient Involved in a motor vehicle accident
- Knee Arthroscopy: Meniscectomy and Chondroplasty in a 51 year-old female
- Debridement, Subacromial Decompression and Acromioplasty with Distal Clavicle Excision of the left shoulder to a 60 year-old male patient
- Shoulder Scope: Labral Debridement, Rotator Debridement, ACR, DCR in a 36 year-old male
- Knee Arthroscopy with Lateral Release Chondroplasty and Osteophyte Excision in a 31 year-old female
- Arthroscopic Surgery: Shoulder Rotator Cuff Repair, Medial Meniscectomy with Microfracture Chondroplasty of the Knee and Shoulder Extensive Debridement in a 47 year-old female
- Subacromial Decompression and Acromioplasty, Rotator Cuff Repair in right shoulder, and Subpectoral Mini Open Biceps Tenodesis in a 49 year-old patient
- Arthroscopic Debridement, Decompression, Acromioplasty and Distal Clavicle Excision of the Left Shoulder
- Knee Arthroscopic Chondroplasty: Medial and Lateral Meniscectomy with Cortisone Injection in a 58 year-old patient